Discover these 15 banned stars of stay in some countries!


Being a star brings many benefits, including traveling to several destinations around the world.

But, this does not mean that everything is allowed. Indeed, some celebrities can not put a foot in some for very amazing reasons. Who are these celebrities and in what country were they banished?
1. Beyonce Malaysia

Queen B was banned from Malaysia because of a performance she considered too sexy.
2. Chris Brown United Kingdom and Australia

Because of his conviction for domestic violence, Rihanna was not allowed to return these two countries.
3. Justin Bieber Argentina and China

According to Time magazine, the star allegedly trampled the country's flag.

In China, he is considered a poorly educated artist.
4. Brad Pitt China

Angelina Jolie's ex-husband was banned from China because of the film "Seven Years in Tibet", which traces the struggle of Tibetan for 'obtaining their independence.
5. Selena Gomez China and Russia

During his visit to China, the authorities did not appreciate his support for Dalai Lama. Ditto Russia, because the leaders feared that it does not support the rights of homosexuals.
6. Harrison Ford China

Ford has been banned from China since 1995 for his outspoken position on Tibetan independence.
7. [19659028] Jay Z China

Queen B's husband will no longer be able to walk the Chinese soil because the government feels he is too vulgar.
8. Alec Baldwin Philippines

Alec Baldwin was banned for making a joke about sex trafficking in the Philippines.
9. Akon Sri Lanka

The American singer can no longer stay in Sri Lanka because of his music video "Sexy Chick ". Indeed, it is about a party at the edge of a swimming pool with girls in a swimsuit, next to a statue buddha .
10. Katy Perry China

Katy Perry saw refused a visa for China because the Chinese authorities did not appreciate his performance in Taipei in 2015.

Indeed, during her show, she had wrapped herself in a flag of Taiwan that claimed her independence from China.
11. Mike Tyson New Zealand

The former boxer was banned from New Zealand for his conviction for rape in 1992 .
12. Paris Hilton Japan

In because of his criminal record, the heiress Hilton is not allowed to tread the Japanese soil.
13. Snoop Dogg Norway

The rapper on the west coast is a big smoker of marijuana. While in Norway, Snopp Dogg was surprised with this illicit substance and banned by justice.

Elton John Egypt

The Guardian reports that Elton John was banished from Egypt because He's gay.
15. 50 cent Canada.

The famous rapper was banned from Canada because of his criminal record and his words deemed too violent.

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