Donald Trump "believes in NATO" on the eve of meeting Putin


The US president made a plea for an organization he had started violently criticizing on Thursday

 Donald Trump at the NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium, on July 11.

"I believe in NATO" affirmed Donald Trump, Thursday, July 12 in Brussels, at the end of an eventful summit between the 29 allies. Flanked by John Bolton, director of the national security council, and Mike Pompeo, secretary of state, the US president ruled he was "not necessary" so, to leave the institution . As he prepares to meet Vladimir Putin on July 16 in Helsinki, this message of unity thus obtained from Mr. Trump's mouth was vital to the eyes of allies in Europe and Canada. But he did not raise all their worries.

A rumor – confusing the president's desire to leave the headquarters of the organization and the organization itself … – unnecessarily ignited the summit in the morning. And a meeting, not scheduled, has been convened by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg urgently to address the issue of "burden sharing" security.

The day before, the summit declaration, signed by all the allies, reaffirmed the commitment made in 2014 by everyone to devote 2% of its GDP to defense by 2024, and 20% of its budget to be modernized. his army. The goal was set when Russia illegally annexed Crimea, pushing NATO to return to its vocation of creating it in 1949, the Euro-Atlantic collective security. But the multiple statements behind the scenes of the summit had completely blurred the message.

Two speeches

For two days, Mr. Trump held two speeches whose simultaneity, electric, rocked the Alliance. One, public, on Twitter, clearly intended for his American voters, has vilified the Europeans. They were accused of letting the United States pay for collective defense ( "Unacceptable!" ), ordered to spend 4% of their GDP in their defense, criticized for erecting trade barriers, and, in the case of Germany, buy gas to Russia. The other speech, in …

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