DRC: Justice rushes investigation into death of Luc Nkulula


In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), justice has dismissed the investigation into the fire that caused the death of militant Luc Nkulula, a prominent figure in the night of 9 to 10 June. Lucha. The citizen movement Fight for Change challenges the results of the investigations.

" This is an unfortunate incident. There are no defendants to continue . The justice of the Democratic Republic of the Congo thus classifies, without continuation, the investigation on the death of Luc Nkulula. This historical militant of the citizen movement of Lucha was killed in the fire of his house in Goma.

Joined by RFI, the city prosecutor, Dauphin Mawaso, details the conclusions of the investigation and defends the the manner in which it was carried out

" We had requested another police, technical and scientific, specialist in fire. This police was supported by other experts from Monusco who came specifically from Kinshasa. After two days of thorough investigation, their conclusion was that the fire that caused the death of Luc Nkulula was caused by the explosion of his battery, battery that he used to feed on solar energy and which spread fire throughout the house. Apart from this battery, the experts found no other element, no other piece, no other outside gear that could have caused this fire . "

A completely different version of the Lucha

For Fred Baoma, militant of Lucha, this investigation was, on the contrary, conducted lightly. Indeed, he is convinced that the fire is of criminal origin. Luc Nkulula had many enemies because, according to him, of his militant commitment.

" Of all the testimonies that we received, the fire would have started from below, in particular from Luc's salon. The batteries are on the floor. How to explain that the batteries lying on the floor and that would explode, the fire took down, in the living room? This completely contradicts the very foundation of this report "he notes.

" So we have the impression that the police wanted, very quickly, to get rid of an investigation that could be embarrassing for some people. It seems to us that there is no desire to find the truth "he added.

" There are many elements that make us think that the cause was criminal and we will continue to ask for justice for Luke, so that people who are in one way or another – directly or indirectly – involved in what I call a murder, can to be judged. And if the police can not establish the facts, then we will do everything possible to, at least, show that this police investigation is unfounded, that it is a masquerade and that we are going to push for it. a truly independent investigation ", emphasized Fred Baoma, militant of the Lucha

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