Elections in Zimbabwe: opposition claims victory, government threatens


On Monday, Zimbabweans massively and peacefully went to the polls to elect their president, MPs and councilors in the first polls since the fall of Robert Mugabe, who fell in November after thirty-seven years in power.

The presidential election is between Emmerson Mnangagwa – former right-hand man of Robert Mugabe and a member of Zanu-PF, in power since independence in 1980 – and Nelson Chamisa of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).

The official results of the national elections have not yet been announced, but the opposition has already shouted victory.

"The results show beyond a reasonable doubt that we won the elections and that the Zimbabwe's next president is Nelson Chamisa, "said a senior MDC official, Tendai Biti, who explained that he relied on information from party election officials.

Mnangagwa, who Robert Mugabe, who was succeeded by a military coup, said he was confident of winning.

"The information obtained by my representatives in the field is extremely positive," he said. Twitter:

The threat, it seems, of a senior MDC official to give details of "his results" has provoked the wrath of Interior Minister Obert Mpofu, who said he was ready to "send to prison" those who would be tempted to give figures.

"I am sure that no one wishes to provoke the wrath of the law," he said.

The heads of an office Electors count ballots at David Livingstone Elementary School in the capital, Harare. Photo: Getty Images / MARCO LONGARI

Awaiting the results

Zimbabweans still need to be patient before knowing the results of the presidential elections that will not be known until Friday or Saturday, warned the electoral commission (ZEC)

If no candidate obtains an absolute majority, a second ballot will be held on September 8.

The delay by the committee is causing the greatest concern of the opposition, which has denounce during the campaign the "partiality" and lack of transparency of the ZEC

"There is a deliberate delay in announcing the results. This delay is totally unacceptable, "thought Tendai Biti.

Meanwhile, in front of the MDC headquarters, opposition supporters shouted victory with" Vote Nelson Chamisa "posters, while policemen with cannons

A peaceful vote, to date

No incidents have been reported since the end of the poll, which was held in calm, unlike the elections of the Mugabe era

But the opposition is on its guard, victim in recent decades of rigged and tainted elections.

President Mnangagwa, anxious to stand out, has promised this year free, fair and transparent elections and invited, for the first time in sixteen years, Western election observers.

The European Union must present a very awaited first report on Wednesday.

The ZEC for its part declared Tuesday that the the elections had been tainted by "no fraud."

"We, at the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, will not steal the choice" of voters, "whatever it is," assured President Priscilla on Tuesday Chigumba

Children play near an election advertisement of current President Emmerson Mnangagwa in Harare. Photo: Getty Images / Dan Kitwood

Concern in the streets of the capital

In the streets of Harare, residents were concerned about the ruling party's reactions to defeat.

"It is impossible for Zanu-PF to accept" the victory of the MDC, said Tracy Kubara, a 26-year-old shopkeeper.

But if the MDC is declared defeated, "people will surely come down to the street because 'they are eager to change,' she added.

London-based BMI Risk Consultancy says possible defeat of government party could result in "army intervention to secure power for Zanu -PF "

Since independence, Zimbabwe has had only two heads of state, both from the same party, Zanu-PF. First Mr. Mugabe, forced to resign last November at the age of 93, then Mr. Mnangagwa, his former vice-president.

M. Mnangagwa, 75, promised a "new Zimbabwe" and a revival of the economy, on the brink of bankruptcy.

M. Chamisa, 40 years old and without much political experience, has made his youth his main weapon to seduce an electorate in search of new blood.

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