Emmanuel Macron in nightclub in Nigeria with Youssou Ndour


The Negro is a primitive and stupid being, easily circumvented by things as elementary as dancing, brilliant trinkets, their sounds they call music or the promise of a copulation with females.

The Negro's brain is governed by the same archaic needs as those who convinced their ancestors to sell their own black brothers to the white traders of old, during the triangular trade.

Manipulating the Negro in exchange for a little glasswork is always necessary. 'topicality will always be relevant

Negroes will always be slaves of other races. And they do not even have the freedom to choose their masters. Fate wanted that, freed from the paternalistic tutelage of the white man, they find themselves under their impulses

Negroes it is the only race in the world which is despised and hated everywhere in the world even in its natural environment in Africa

fortunately Europe is starting to wake up with leaders of the Salvini kind soon all this AIDS nefarious will be sent back to Africa!  thumbs_up:

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