Emmanuel Macron on a trip to Shrine Lagos with Femi Kuti


Macron discovered the Shrine during his ENA internship

Located in the historic center of the Nigerian mega-city, the Shrine was created by Fela Kuti, inventor of Afrobeat, a fusion of funk, soul music , jazz and African tunes, before being revived by his son Femi Kuti

"It's an iconic place", "vibrant", greeted Emmanuel Macron, saying he discovered it in 2002 for a concert of Femi Kuti while doing his ENA internship at the French Embassy in Abuja

First French president to travel to Lagos, the largest Nigerian city with 20 million inhabitants, Emmanuel Macron I wanted to go back there for a festive meeting to change the evenings, often formal and starched, of the trips abroad.

"It's great to see that the French president has such a personal interest in the city of Lagos," said Nigerian actor Ozzy Agu. "We have the feeling when we see him here that we can go for a drink and chat with him."

 Femi Kuti gets President Macron on stage at Shrine in Lagos. "Title =" Femi Kuti gets up President Macron on stage at the Shrine in Lagos. "/> <span class=

Femi Kuti brings President Macron on stage at the Shrine in Lagos.

© Sunday Alamba / AP / SIPA

Femi Kuti and his musicians set the stage 'ambiance

While the French president arrived at the scene around 22 hours, the atmosphere remained wiser than usual until Femi Kuti, who took over the reins of the institution, goes on scene shortly before midnight with his musicians and dancers and wakes his hips.

He then invited Emmanuel Macron to sketch a few dance steps.After executing himself, the French president left the scene smiling and underlined " What's happening at Shrine stays at Shrine. "

In her address, Femi Kuti called on young Africans to "not let die" their father's dreams for a more just and developed Africa. "It's up to you to get up and realize them!", He said.

 Emmanuel Macron sings at Shrine in Lagos, July 3, 2018. "title =" Emmanuel Macron is trying to drum at Shrine Lagos, July 3, 2018. "/> <span class=

Emmanuel Macron is trying to drum Shrine Lagos, July 3, 2018.

© Jacques Witt / SIPA [19659014] "Putting Africa Back in the Center"

For Macron, the evening at Shrine was an opportunity to launch the organization of the Season of African Cultures to be held in France in 2020. He had announced the end 2017 the holding of this demonstration of several months during its "founding speech" of Ouagadougou, declining its strategy to revive the relations between France and Africa.

It is about deploying "a cultural and artistic strategy which Africa is "in the center," said Macron, because, he added, "we need Africans to speak for themselves about Africa" .

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