Experts work on content of TAC 7


million. Éric Camille N'dry, Director Africa, acting as interim Director General of Bilateral Relations of Côte d'Ivoire and HE Mr. Rouamba Ragnaghnewende Olicvia, Director General of Bilateral Relations of Burkina-Faso, have in turn welcomed the holding of the meeting of experts.

Ivorian-Burkinabe cooperation: Experts work on the content of TAC 7

As a prelude to the 7th th Summit Conference of the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation (TAC) between Côte d'Ivoire and Burkina Faso, experts from both countries met this Monday, July 23, 2018, in Yamoussoukro. This, in order to prepare the content of the meeting which will bring together the Heads of State and Government of the two countries, as part of this cooperation.

This meeting of experts takes place in four committees. The first will be on "Politics, Diplomacy, Integration, Defense, Security, Administrative and Transborder Cooperation, Justice". The second will focus on "Traffic Fluidity, Free Movement of People and Goods, Transportation, Road, Rail and Air Infrastructure, Trade, Economy, Industry, Energy, Oil, Mining, Crafts, Tourism". The third will deal with "Agriculture, Rural Land, Environment, Animal Production and Resources, Water and Forests, Post, Communication, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Urban Planning and Housing". Finally, the fourth committee will focus on "Education, Scientific Research, Solidarity, Employment, Public Service, Modernization of Administration, Youth, Health, Sport, Family, Women, Children, Social and Cultural Affairs".

M . Éric Camille N'dry, Director Africa, acting as interim Director General of Bilateral Relations of Côte d'Ivoire and HE Mr. Rouamba Ragnaghnewende Olicvia, Director General of Bilateral Relations of Burkina-Faso, have in turn welcomed the holding of the meeting of experts. Because of this, they affirmed, will come out of the "relevant recommendations" and "new drafts of Cooperation Agreements" which will be the subject of signature.

Note that the TAC 7 will be marked by a joint council of government on Thursday, July 26.

Yamoussoukro Agency

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