FASOZINE: Daily Burkinabè information


From July 11 to 13, 2018 is held in Ouagadougou, the National Forum of the Burkinabe Diaspora. It is an excellent initiative of our authorities that should be commended. The Political Opposition has appointed five (05) representatives who will participate in all the work.

The forum will bring together more than three hundred (300) participants around the theme: "The contribution of Burkinabe from abroad to national construction".

In the name of the political opposition and on my own behalf, I extend a warm welcome to our brothers and sisters in our common house, Burkina Faso.

The Burkinabè diaspora is already participating, in a remarkable way, in the effort to build our beloved homeland, transferring for example, according to official channels, more than 100 billion CFA francs a year. This is the place to thank him, and the Political Opposition is already associated with the idea of ​​rewarding those of ours who stand out in support of the motherland, or whose professional success honors our country.

But this participation is still far from optimal. It must therefore be encouraged and developed. The Political Opposition is very hopeful that the recommendations that will come out of this meeting will not sleep in the drawers as unfortunately has become the custom in Faso. Indeed, we still remember that in 2010, the vote of Burkinabe from abroad was enshrined in the Electoral Code and postponed. It was again, in 2010, registered in the Electoral Code and then postponed again. One of the main demands of our diaspora, as old as time, is to be able to participate in the democratic life of your country, finally voting in 2020.

The political opposition, which has long endorsed this claim, is pleased to see the current authorities proclaiming their intention to make it a reality by 2020.

It is this sentiment that has led the political opposition to respond positively to the recent invitation of the President of Burkina Faso to discuss it

Unfortunately, on this issue, profound differences separate us from the government. These relate mainly to:

-First, the nature of the documents to enable Burkinabes in the diaspora to vote,

– And second, on the practical organization of the vote.

The Electoral Code currently in force force, provides that the three documents permitting Burkinabe from abroad to vote are:

– The Burkinabe National Identity Card;

– The Passport;

– The Biometric Consular Card.

The political opposition finds this provision relevant. However, for reasons that he alone knows, the Government wants to change these provisions. From now on, he wants the National Identity Card to be the only document allowing the vote. He therefore denies the Passport and the Biometric Consular Card.

Worse, he wants to establish draconian conditions to obtain the CNIB.

Indeed, Article 52 of the preliminary draft amendment of the Code The electoral system provides: "To justify his identity at home or abroad, the elector produces the national identity card of Burkina Faso currently valid. Burkina Faso's national identity card is issued according to the conditions set by law.

For Burkinabè born in Burkina Faso and residing abroad, the issuance of the national identity card is subject to the submission of the following documents:

– A birth certificate certificate issued by a competent authority of Burkina Faso;

– A residence certificate issued by the competent authorities of the host country;

– A document certifying the proof of its registration at the diplomatic representation of the jurisdiction of his place of residence.

For Burkinabe born abroad and residing there, the issuance of the identity card is subject to the presentation of the following documents:

– A birth certificate;

– A certificate of residence issued by the competent authorities of the host country:

– A document certifying the proof of his registration at the diplomatic representation of his place of residence.

For the political opposition, it is not the Electoral Code to set the conditions for obtaining the CNIB.

Secondly, the setting of these conditions would undoubtedly lead to a drastic reduction in the participation of Burkinabe outside the 2020 elections. If it is necessary to travel hundreds of kilometers frequently to follow complex procedures in order to establish a poll and travel hundreds of kilometers to vote, the Burkinabe vote the exterior would be reduced to a ridiculous symbolic act of pure form.

A proverb from home says that to deprive the toad of its share of food, it is invited to dine on a tree.

One of the arguments raised by the Government is that only a CNIB issued under the new conditions can attest to nationality.

From our point of view, the three (03) voting documents authorized by the current electoral code, already attest to this nationality:

– The Burkinabè National Identity Card, certifies itself of nationality

– The Passport already bears the mention "Burkinabè nationality", and is also a proof of identity;

– The Consular Card is assimilated by the Burkinabe State to the CNIB. Indeed, if we take the example of the consular card issued to our compatriots living in Côte d'Ivoire, it is very clearly stated on the reverse side: "Recommendation: This card issued to residents in Côte d'Ivoire 'Ivory, takes the place of the Burkinabe National Identity Card'. The biometric character of this card is not called into question. It contains all the information relating to the holder (surname, first name, date and place of birth, height, father's name, mother's name, residence, date of birth of the father and mother, place of residence, profession, etc. .) She even mentions the blood group. As the consular card is recognized by the State of Burkina Faso as a Burkinabè national identity card, it fully meets the voting requirements.

The Opposition has already drawn the high attention of the President of Burkina Faso to the legal implications of any decision that would prohibit a consular card holder from being able to vote in an election where it is said that the required document is the Identity card: And if one day, in the same logic, a host country decided to no longer recognize on this basis the Burkinabe consular card? For electoral questions, the Government will expose our compatriots from abroad to enormous risks.

Another question that opposes us to the government is the place of voting.

The Government wants to limit the offices of the Embassy and Consulates. However, everyone knows that in their host countries, the overwhelming majority of our compatriots reside far from the Embassy and consulates.

The experience of other countries provides interesting avenues to explore to solve this question. For the presidential elections of July 29, 2018, Malian voters residing in Burkina Faso will vote in schools graciously available to them by the town halls of Ouagadougou and Bobo Dioulasso. For those residing in Côte d'Ivoire, the scenario will be the same and results from an agreement between their government and that of the Ivory Coast.

The political opposition encourages our authorities to show the same imagination creative, and to make agreements with the governments of the countries where our compatriots reside, to obtain a multiplication of the polling stations.

The political Opposition wishes to reassure our compatriots of the diaspora, that it will not leave the proclamations of our Government in favor of the vote of Burkinabes from abroad, to be circumvented by subtle obstacles, which will effectively prevent our compatriots from fulfilling their civic duty.

Delegates to the Forum this is a unique opportunity to obtain from our highest authorities:

-The respect of the commitments made, many times renewed, for the Burkinabè vote of the outside

-Full compliance with the requirements of article 52 of the Electoral Code in force, which favors an optimal participation in the vote of Burkinabe from abroad.

The Political Opposition therefore encourages them to engage in debate

I wish fruitful exchange and excellent work to all participants and a good return to their respective host countries.

Long live Burkina Faso united and strong!

Ouagadougou, July 11, 2018

The Leader of the Political Opposition,

Zephirin DIABRE

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