Fight against corruption and justice on the menu of Burkina Faso dailies


Observer Paalga, the dean of the private dailies of Burkina Faso, title: "2017 report on corruption: the municipal police still first class."

According to the newspaper, it is in the context of its activities REN-LAC organized yesterday, Tuesday in Ouagadougou, the official launching ceremony of its report of the past year on the state of corruption in Burkina Faso.

In this regard, Le Quotidien, autre Private, quotes REN-LAC executive director Claude Wetta as saying: "Corruption is on the rise again in 2017."

The same newspaper notes that, according to the REN-LAC report, the municipal police, the customs and the Directorate-General of land and maritime transport (DGTTM) are the most corrupt services in Burkina.

For its part, Today in Faso speaks of "the indrostable municipal police", there where the national daily Sidwaya is content to read: "The municipal police still in the lead."

The newspaper cited second refers to the trial of the failed coup of September 2015, repeating these words of Staff Sergeant Ali Sanou during his appearance yesterday before the Military Tribunal "I was not myself during interrogations."

The Daily raises the issue when he quotes the defendant Ali Sanou who states: "It's as if I do not control myself when I make decisions".

For its part, Le Pays mentions: "Trial of the failed coup: Staff Sergeant Ali Sanou does not recognize the facts."

As for Observer Paalga, he mentions "the Sergeant's story Ali Sanou, who, he says, refuted most of the charges against him

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