• Sunday, July 29, 2018 at 22h59min
Lome, July 28, 2018. The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) must put in place a comprehensive and pragmatic approach to the fight against terrorism, paying particular attention to human security, problems related to trafficking of all kinds, the management and exploitation of natural resources, Transhumance
This is the appeal launched on Saturday, July 28, 2018, in Lome, Togo, by the Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, Francophonie and Regional Integration of Gabon, and President of the Council of Ministers of ECCAS, Régis Immongault Tatangani, at the opening of the preparatory ministerial meeting of u Summit of Heads of State and Government of the two Community Spaces.
In addition to this approach, West Africa and Central Africa also need to develop a common oversight policy on strengthening the exchange of strategic intelligence, particularly with regard to early warning, he said.
The joint summit of ECCAS and ECOWAS Heads of State to be held on July 30, 2018, suggested Mr. Tatangani, is a source of hope for the relevance of his theme on peace , security, stability and the fight against terrorism and violent extremism.
"This summit stands because of the persistence of the negative forces that scourge our countries by sowing terror and desolation among our people … in addition to their characteristic inhumanity, these barbaric acts tend to spread to our deepest regret, beyond the borders of our respective countries and regions, "said Tata ngani.
The joint organization of this summit is an example of successful inter-African cooperation, noted the Togolese Minister for Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and African Integration, and President of the Council of Ministers of Cedeao, Prof. Robert Dussey
"ECCAS and ECOWAS have understood that together we must take responsibility for the security of our interregional space, and the Summit of Heads of State and Government of 30 July which will be sanctioned by a joint statement is a very good illustration, "said Dussey.
The war on terror, for security and regional and interregional stability is a just war, he said, indicating that there is no progress and no human development without peace and security.
"Our two regions are destined to win the war against ignorance, radicalization, fundamentalism and extremism. It is a question of weaning the terrorism of its favorable grounds by the prevention which implies the education with lucidity ", specified the president of the Council of the Ministers of ECOWAS.
According to him, West Africa and Central Africa will be able to overcome the indoctrination, radicalism and extremism of terrorism on the basis of lucidity education.
This joint ministerial meeting in which participate the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and those in charge of Defense or Security of the two Community spaces, must consider and adopt the draft Declaration of Lome ECOWAS Member States and ECCAS on peace, security, stability and the fight against terrorism and violent extremism.
The meeting, which is also attended by ECOWAS Commission President Jean-Claude Kassi Brou and ECCAS General Secretary Ahmad Allam- Mi, must also adopt the draft agenda and communiqué of the joint summit of the leaders of West Africa and Central Africa.
It is also devoted to the exame n the report of the expert meeting of the two regions on these issues held on July 10th and 11th, 2018, still in the Togolese capital. This meeting resulted in a series of recommendations whose efficient implementation should make it possible to better combat terrorism and violent extremism in West and Central Africa.
Indeed, it is a secrecy that cross-border illicit activities, including terrorism, money laundering, violent extremism and the trafficking of arms, human beings and drugs are common security threats to Central Africa and to West Africa
These threats hinder peace, security and stability, and destroy the development efforts of ECOWAS and ECCAS member states.
The joint meetings of experts and ministers, as well as the summit of heads of state and government of the two community spaces are the consecration of joint efforts since 2015 by the two regions.
These efforts are aimed at defining and implementing a common approach to peace, security, stability and the fight against terrorism and violent extremism in West and Central Africa.
Source: ECOWAS Communication Service
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