First industrial gold mine in the Cascades region


The Cascades region of Burkina Faso now has its very first industrial mine. Named "Wahgnion Gold Operations", it is the 14th Burkinabe industrial mine. Located in Niankorodougou, some 40 km south in the Sindou area, the mine began its work on July 6: the cost of sending the work was given by the Prime Minister, Paul Kaba Thiéba, in the rural district of Niankorodougou, located in the province of La Léraba, capital of Sindou in the presence of the authorities of the region and local populations well mobilized for the occasion.

The start of activities of the mine follows a long process. It all started at the end of 2016, when Teranga Gold Corporation acquired the project from an Australian company, which holds a mining license in August 2014. According to the chief executive (CEO) of the mine, Richard Young, the exploitation spread over four deposits covering a total area of ​​approximately 89 km².

The mining sector, a key feature of the PNDS

The cost of the works is estimated at 137 billion CFA francs, or 245 million dollars, of which 2 CFAF 3 billion (US $ 4 million) is for the compensation of local populations whose activities have been impacted by the mine and which have already received 371 million CFA francs ($ 664 thousand). [19659002AccordingtoBurkinabeminesministerOumarouAdanithesocio-economicbenefitswillbeenormousforthelocalpopulationThestateexpectstocollecttaxesofabout84billionFcfa(143milliondollars)overaperiodof9yearsor37tonsofgoldperyearTheNiankorodougouminingprojectisexpectedtogenerate1000jobsincluding600permanentjobsintheconstructionphasealoneElsewherethePrimeMinisterPaulKabaThiébahaswelcomedtheexpectedbenefitsoftheexploitationofthegoldmine

"80 to 90 tons of gold are planned for twenty years of exploitation", according to Paul Kaba Tiéba, who recalled the key role of mining sector in the Burkina Faso strategy for the implementation of the National Plan for Economic and Social Development (PNDES).

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