FPI Congress: Affi assures its support and availability Bdi


Pascal Affi Nguessan, President of the Ivorian Popular Front (FPI, opposition), the party of President Laurent Gbagbo, assured Friday of his support and his availability to the leader of the Democratic Party of Cote dIvoire (PDCI, ex part-time) Henri Konan Bdi to save the Ivory Coast.

I welcome the delegation of the PDCI, strongly represented. Companion, send Bdi our support and our availability to save the Ivory Coast, said Affi Nguessan, the opening of the 4th ordinary congress of his party scheduled for 27 and 28 July 2018 at the Sports Palace of Abidjan.

The PDCI delegation was led by Daniel Joseph Nguessan, a member of the party's ex-party inspectorate, a political party currently in cold with its allies of the HOUPHUTIAN Rally for Democracy and Peace (RHDP), the ruling coalition.

This congress is under the theme Mobilization and Engagement for Democracy and Change in 2020. It is intended as a platform for reflection of the party's actions on its governance of 2000 2010 in order to think the recapture of power in 2020.

For Mr. Affi Ivorians want to leave the regime of Alassane Ouattara, the head of the Ivorian state whose party is an ally of the PDCI. The leader of Gbagbo's party argued that the main problem of his political formation is the clannish thinking displayed by power.

Ouattara behaves as the winner of the Ivorian post-election crisis of 2010-2011 that has killed more than 3,000, Affi Nguessan said, deploring the spirit of predation, which produces a corrupt government and regime.

M. Affi said the FPI will approach all political parties that want change, saying that 2020, the next presidential election in Ivory Coast, is the door of his party.

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