France is again present diplomatically in The Gambia


The antenna of the French representation reopened Monday, July 2, after being closed in 2013, under the regime of Yahya Jammeh. This diplomatic branch, attached to the Dakar embassy, ​​is located in a villa in Fajara, on the outskirts of Banjul. It symbolizes the strong ties between the two countries since the beginning of the democratic transition.

Since the election of Adama Barrow France multiplies the signs of rapprochement with The Gambia. New step taken with the reopening of this antenna, as the charge d'affaires Hugues Nordi:

" The political context of the time, marked by the presidency – that we will say authoritarian – of Yahya Jammeh, made that much more possible, neither in terms of political dialogue nor in terms of cooperation. This reopening is important, it shows our interest for this country, our renewed interest … »

For the French ambassador to Senegal and Gambia, Christophe Bigot, there is now a will of the country to be present in several sectors: " We will reopen the destination Gambia for French companies, so economy. Then development, with the French Development Agency in the fields of water and agriculture. France also gives French classes via the Alliance française. And so this opening of this antenna is not an isolated event.

France has pledged 50 million euros to finance the national development plan. On the Gambian side, the Minister of Commerce Amadou Sanneh, is delighted with these good relations: " We are really happy to count France as a development partner. There are opportunities for investors and this could create jobs for young people, it could be beneficial for us, but also for France, which can bring its industries and products, and assist the country in its development.

A member of the French government is expected to travel to The Gambia for the official opening of the antenna.

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