"Gbagbo comes to make a new sun shine on Ivory Coast" "(Justin Koua)


"You elected him in 2000, re-elected in 2010, he comes in 2020 to shine a new sun on the Ivory Coast for a new day to rise. He comes to rebuild the Republic, consolidate the Nation and reconcile Ivorians, "said Justin Koua in front of several thousand activists.

million. Koua called "the people of the North, the people of the South, the people of the East, the people of the West, to be willing to welcome your coming Gbagbo."

"With the PDCI, the MFA, the UNG, the PIT, civil society, religious, with all Ivorians, we will build a prosperous Côte d'Ivoire, reconciled with itself," he said.

Previously, the young opponent described the "alarming and disturbing" situation of the country.

Disguised "in the rainy season and during school exams" to "obsolete and inadequate" institutions through school and health "become for the regime of the goods", Justin Koua considered that "the Republic was disintegrated".

"Even the social housing, the regime makes fiscal favors to its friends, to his clan to build the houses that he immediately attributes to his family members, "Koua denounced that" in the face of rampant insecurity, the regime remains powerless, giving the impression of being the legal guardian of these children microbes "

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