George of Cambridge: The man who wanted to kill him assaulted in prison


The adorable Prince George of Cambridge could have become the target of Daesh. Husnain Rashid had encouraged the terrorist organization to attack the eldest son of Prince William and Kate Middleton. According to the Daily Star the man sentenced to life for terrorism has just been attacked behind bars.

Husnain Rashid, 32 years old, was convicted for sending 360,000 messages on the social network Telegram with the goal, among other things, to make Prince George, 5 years, the next target of Daesh. For these repeated calls for murder, the man received an exemplary sentence on July 13. On Wednesday, July 25, Rashid was injured in the face. " There was full blood in his cell ," said a source from Daily Star . It was attacked with a blade attached to a toothbrush. Some detainees at Strangeways Prison said the terrorist was, to say the least, badly received: " Everyone hated him for what he was and what he did, such as threatening 'tit royal guy. "

The court sued him for inciting the carrying out of terrorist enterprises and for incitement to terrorism. The man was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum of 25 years of incompressible confinement. In particular, he provided details of Prince George's school, as well as his photograph and information about other members of the royal family.

Third in the order of succession to the British throne, Prince George is destined to reign after his grandfather Charles and his father William. The 5-year-old to a younger sister, Charlotte (3), and a younger brother, Louis (3 months)

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