George of Cambridge: The man who wanted to kill him doomed


If the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge do everything, including publicly banging on the table when photographers are too bold and intrusive, to protect their children, some threats, even more serious, are cold in the back . In London, a fighter claimed by the Islamic State has been heavily convicted for calling for the killing of Prince George of Cambridge (5 years on July 22, 2018).

In October 2017, one month after the first alert The Prince George, eldest son of Prince William and the Duchess Catherine, was targeted by Husnain Rashid, 32, a teacher in a Nelson mosque, provoked by the intrusion of an imbalance at his school in London's Battersea neighborhood. (North West of London): " Even the royal family will not be spared.The school starts early ," he wrote on a social network in the wake of the publication of an image of the Thomas Battersea School with the silhouette of two jihadists superimposed. In November, the man in question, responsible for many other threats of attacks and incitement to commit, was arrested.

After initially denying the charges against him, Husnain Rashid had changed in the face of the overwhelming weight of evidence (no less than 360,000 messages on the Telegram social network), to recognize four of the seven charges – three for incitement to terrorist for incitement to terrorism. On Friday, July 13, 2018, the Woolwich Court sentenced life imprisonment for each of the first three counts, with a minimum of 25 years of incompressible confinement . " The message was clear: you provided the name and address of Prince George's school, an image of Prince George's school and the instruction or threat that Prince George and others members of the royal family be considered as potential targets ", stated the court in its judgment.

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