Guillaume Soro says he fears for the health of his protocol held at MACA


APA-Abidjan (Ivory Coast)

The president of the Ivorian National Assembly, Guillaume Kigbafori Soro expressed Friday his "fear" for the health of Souleymane Kamaraté Koné said Soul To Soul, his chief of protocol imprisoned since last October at the prison and correction of Abidjan (MACA) in the case known as "discovery of a cache of weapons in a residence in Bouaké".

million. Soro expressed this concern after a wave of suspicion expressed by some Ivorian netizens about the origin of the disease of Nicaise Douyou aka Samba David, a pro-Gbagbo detainee released on bail for "medical reasons" on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday by the Ivorian judicial authorities after nearly three years of detention.

"I have just read with amazement this horrible story of the poisoning of Mr. Samba David in Korhogo Prison. If that were true, then we must fear for the health of Soul To Soul, "Soro wrote on his official Facebook account, saying that" in a state of law, the Minister of Justice should be heard in parliament. "

Speaking last Sunday on Radio France Internationale (RFI) on the detention of his collaborator, Mr. Soro said that" the Soul To Soul affair is partly a state secret. " . He also advocated for the release of "all political prisoners" in the country.

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