Has an Egyptian zoo painted a zebra donkey?


Lines of black paint to make a zebra donkey? It is the trick that a young Egyptian student thinks he discovered when he was wandering a few days ago at the International Garden Zoo in Cairo, the Egyptian capital.

Passing the pen, Mahmoud A Sarhan, 21, believes he sees paint on the animal's head and takes a picture, which he then posts on his Facebook page. His message, in which he denounced "stupidity", was shared nearly 8000 times and attracted the attention of many netizens and specialists.

Previous cases of cheating

As reported by several local media as Extra News, several veterinarians quickly confirmed that the animal was a donkey. Several clues have put the flea in their ear, such as the fine shape of the ears (while they are more rounded for zebras) or the not very neat tracing of the black stripes. Zebras also have a darker snout. But not enough to destabilize the direction of the zoo that persists in saying that the animal is a real zebra.

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<p><i> Real zebras zoo of Thoiry (Yvelines) LP / Aurélie Ladet </i></p>
<p> If this story can lend to smile (Mahmoud A Sarhan is the first to laugh at Facebook), it is not an isolated case of cheating. Mail, a zoo in Gaza, had already painted two white donkeys to look like zebras in 2009, and a park in China had tried to get a hairy dog ​​for a lion in 2013. </p>
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