Here is the performance report of the US-funded Compact II projects


Came into effect on June 30, 2017, the $ 450-million Compact II closes its first year. The opportunity to take stock of what has been achieved and define future actions.

The program aims to support two sectors with structuring projects. He is interested in education and land issues.

The project "education and training for employability"

The project "education and training for employability" aims at " strengthen the employability of young people through improving the quality and relevance of secondary education and vocational training programs and equitable access to these programs in order to better meet the needs of the productive sector ", explains the Millennium Challenge Corporation

The Compact II allocates to this theme a global budget of $ 250.1 million spread over three activities: Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Employment.

> Secondary Education

The "Secondary Education" activity, with a budget of $ 112.6 million "aims to improve the quality and relevance of education programs. secondary education (colleges and high schools). "

The idea is to develop an Integrated Model for the Improvement of Secondary Schools (MIAES) based on the lever of" Integrated Settlement Project "(PEI). According to the MCC, this model will be deployed in 90 secondary schools, spread over three regions of the Kingdom: Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima, Fez-Meknes and Marrakech-Safi.

Where is the project? The mechanisms of a participatory approach to develop Integrated Settlement Projects (IEPs) of secondary schools have been put in place. The 90 schools benefiting from the deployment of "MIAES" have been selected

There will be 28 schools per region in addition to the 6 pilot sites in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region.

34 IEPs Tangier-Tétouan- Al Hoceima level were developed with the completion of a technical diagnosis of their infrastructure. The identification of needs in terms of computer and didactic equipment is underway as well as the design of training plans in pedagogy for the benefit of teachers and management for the benefit of the administrative body, says the MCC.

The second component concerns the evaluation of the Massar system At this level, a detailed diagnosis of the "Massar" information system was carried out, following which measures to develop it and strengthen its contribution to educational decision making were proposed. They are:

– Addition of new functionalities and maintenance of existing functionalities;

– Securing the National Data Center and improving the governance of this system in accordance with international standards

– Capacity building of the managers of this system and organization of meetings of communication and sensitization of the users

For the next year the MCC counts work on :

– Start of the elaboration of the Projects of Integrated Settlement (PEI) in Fez-Meknes and Marrakech-Safi regions

– Start of infrastructure works for the 34 schools in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Region and launch of the technical diagnostics of schools schools in the Fez-Meknes and Marrakech-Safi regions

– Deployment of IEPs in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Region [196] 59005] – Implementation of priority support actions relating to the sub-component "Assessment of pupil achievement and school performance"

– Implementation of priority support actions under the sub-component "MASSAR Information System" component.

– Validation of a new system for the maintenance and upkeep of schools and school equipment and development of the related information system.

> Professional training

For the "Vocational Training" activity, the compact II reserves a budget of $ 80.42 million in addition to the Government's contribution estimated at 30 million of dollars . In this regard, there has been the establishment of the "Charaka" fund for vocational training dedicated to the financing of: the creation or extension of vocational training centers managed under public-private partnerships (PPP); and the conversion of public centers into pilot-run centers into a PPP management model

The Charaka Fund's call for projects was launched on May 31, 2017. The detailed evaluation of the pre-selected projects is in progress and will be completed in August, with the aim of signing grant agreements in October 2018.

For the second year of project implementation, the MCC provides:

– The start of preparatory technical studies: infrastructure, environmental impacts, gender & social inclusion, etc.

– The launching of the 2nd round of the call for projects

– The finalization of the action plan for support for the reform of vocational training and start of its implementation

> Employability

The third and final activity selected in the framework of Compact II on the theme of vocational training ployability is employment with a budget of 27 million dollars .

For the development and deployment of an integrated device of observation and analysis of the labor market a global diagnosis was made (key actors, sources and data available on the supply and demand of work, etc.) followed by a benchmark of international experiences and good practices. This allowed the development of a vision to improve the current system of observation and analysis of the labor market which is being validated.

For the promotion of the inclusive employment of women ] unemployed or economically inactive and young people at risk from urban and peri-urban areas, "a program of insertion into the labor market will be launched according to the mechanism of call for projects". 19659005] Prospects for the second year are as follows:

– To give priority to measures of a technical nature which contribute to the improvement of the labor market information system

– Work with stakeholders to agree on aspects of the governance of the labor market observing system, the reform of which requires legislative and institutional measures

– Launch the call for projects in the course of the next October

– Implement the action plan for technical assistance to ANAPEC

– Strengthen the capacity of key institutions concerned

– Institute the Gender Trophy for enterprises

– Proposing legal measures to ensure the integration of the gender dimension in the workplace

The project "Improving the governance and productivity of rural and industrial land"

The second theme to which MCC is interested in its second Compact is land in the sense of "improving the governance and productivity of rural and industrial land to better meet the needs of investors and enhance its attractiveness of investments". To achieve this, three topics have been identified: land governance, industrial land and rural land.

> Land governance

On the governance side, to which a budget of $ 10.5 million is allocated the compact II aims to accompany the Government for the elaboration of a land strategy and its plan of action according to a participative, inclusive and consensual approach and to support it in the operationalization of this action plan. Compact II is also working on the establishment of a land policy coordination mechanism.

In this sense, a permanent Ministerial Land Policy Committee has been set up with the tasks, inter alia, of coordinating and overseeing the process of preparation of the land strategy and its plan of action.

As for the strategy itself, "the head of government referred the matter to the EESC for a study on land policy of the State in collaboration with the Agency MCA-Morocco ", reports the MCC.

The objective is to work on the development of the project of the strategy of land and its plan of action before the end of the year 2019.

> The industrial land

The compact II reserves a consistent envelope for the industrial land estimated at 127 million dollars . The objective is "to design and promote a new approach to the planning, development, revitalization and management of industrial reception areas."

To do this, the compact II intends to bring its assistance to the government in the development of a legal framework specific to industrial reception areas through the creation of the Center of Expertise for the Development of Industrial Land (CEDFI).

"This center will be called upon to support the government in implementing the new approach designed for the development of sustainable industrial parks and the revitalization of existing industrial areas, including through market research, capacity building of stakeholders concerned with development industrial zones and the dissemination of best practices in this field. "

This new model emphasizes public-private partnership will be tested at three pilot industrial areas. "Thus, the revitalization / expansion of two industrial zones in Bouznika and Had Soualem and the development of a new industrial zone in Sahel Lakhyayta will be carried out according to the new approach."

Land was mobilized. Technical studies relating to the rehabilitation and extension of the industrial zones in Bouznika and Had-Soualem and the development of the new industrial zone in Sahel-Lakhyayta were launched as well as the environmental and social impact studies for the three scheduled pilot sites

For the second year, compact II provides:

– To initiate studies and consultations necessary for the development of the legal framework specific to industrial reception areas.

Launch a national study on demand for industrial land

– Implement initial capacity-building actions for the Ministry of Industry and other actors

– Select a private partner in development, revitalization and management of industrial zones.

– Finalize technical studies and launch tenders for e start of the rehabilitation and extension of existing industrial zones

To support this strategy, the establishment of the FONZID is planned. This $ 30 million fund, 50% of which will be provided by the Department of Industry, is intended to support other private or public initiatives that improve the governance and sustainability of existing and new industrial zones.

The Launch the first call for projects for the selection of projects eligible for funding "FONZID" will take place in the month of October.

> The rural land

The last part which is interested in compact II is the rural land and more specifically the issue of the Melkisation of the collective lands located in the irrigation perimeters.

The Compact II, which devotes a budget of 33 million dollars to this aspect , intends to support this operation through the development of a procedure optimized in terms of costs and deadlines, the implementation of a pilot melting operation of 46,000 ha at water from the Gharb irrigated perimeter, the development and deployment of measures to maximize the benefits of the melkisation operation

During the first year, the preparatory study for the melkisation operation was completed :

– Development of an optimized melkization procedure and its manual in consultation with the ministries concerned

– Establishment of the inventory of the collectives concerned by the melkisation operation

– Preparation of the plan Stakeholder Engagement (PEPP), including the plan for communicating with rightholders and the grievance mechanism

– Development of household questionnaires and parcels.

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