his confidences about his relationship with Orlando Bloom


In an interview with the Australian edition of "Vogue," Katy Perry discusses her relationship with Orlando Bloom, her meeting with Pope Francis, and her depression.

Since they are together again, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom are inseparable. On vacation, traveling, on tour, they do not leave each other. So when the singer was invited to the Vatican to meet Pope Francis last April, she took her mother and (obviously) her companion. Still, Katy Perry does not want her relationship with the famous actor to take precedence over everything else.

"I do not want that to get all the attention, because it overshadows the goal. And it's very misogynistic, "she says in an interview with the Australian edition of" Vogue "she covers. She adds, "Of course I love my relationship with him, but it's only part of me, and I do not want others to be diminished."

"I was ready to let's go back to being my ultimate self. I have had the last few days of unknowingly, I was so much valid in the reaction of the public, and the public did not react in the way "@katyperry tells @derekblasberg in the August 2018 issue. "Music is my first love and I think it's the universe saying: '' Okay, you're talking about that's about self-love and authenticity, but we're going to check you out. ". Then we'll see how much you really love yourself. 'That brokenness, plus me opening up to a greater, higher power and recognizing with divinity, gave me a wholeness I never had. It gave me a new foundation. It's not just a material foundation: it's a soul foundation. "Read the full interview with Perry via the link in the bio. The issue goes on sale Monday, July 23. Photographed by @emmasummerton, styled by @christinecentenera, Vogue Australia, August 2018.

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To read also: Katy Perry feminist or woman object?

Broken heart

Especially as his "first love" is music (Orlando Bloom will appreciate). If his break with the actor in 2017 after a year of relationship affected a lot Katy Perry, it is his relationship with his fans that has reached the most singer. Especially after the mixed reception of her "Witness" album in 2017. She explains: "I experienced depressive episodes and my heart was shattered last year because, without knowing it, I give too much importance to the reaction of the public, and the public did not react the way I expected … What broke my heart. "

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