"I do not like castes, rents or privileges": watch Macron's speech at Versailles



"France will never accept deportations" of migrants "across Europe," said President Emmanuel Macron on Monday before the Congress convened at Versailles.

"France will never accept the solutions of facility that some nowadays propose that would consist in organizing deportations, across Europe, to go to put in I do not know which camp, on its borders or within it or elsewhere, the foreigners "not admitted in France , stressed the head of state.

While Europe has been shaken by an intense diplomatic crisis on the migration issue in recent weeks, Macron said that "this subject can not be solved in the past. emotion that creates confusion, nor in closing and retreating nationalist. "

" Any short-term nationalist policy will not solve the migratory situation, "insisted the president, who was at the center of a violent pass with the Italian executive before the agreement on the management of migratory flows wrested by the 28 Member States of the European Union at the end of June in Brussels

"The essence of our answers is to strengthen our common borders in Europe and to of responsibility and solidarity within Europe ", added the Head of State.

" We must be faithful to our Constitution which unconditionally protects those who seek asylum but imposes precise rules to those who, for economic reasons, are leaving their country to join ours, "he stressed, stressing the need to" re-establish our partnership with Africa "from which a" youth of despair ", who is "not entitled in a large majority to asylum".

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