IBK in Koulikoro: "It is the power for the power that interests me"


For President Ibrahim Boubacar Kéïta, candidate for his own succession, the development of Mali, complete the implementation of the Agreement for Peace and National Reconciliation, fight for a qualified youth, not left to account for that it is not left pitiful at the rendezvous of the Universal, …, are its ambitions for Mali. Interview!

THE OBSERVATORY: Is it important that you be the one who will be the President for the next five years? Is it important that you continue your mission?

President IBK: That is the Malians who will decide; if I have the right and the legitimacy in front of men to make a second mandate that will allow to finalize what we started. What is most important to me is the Agreement for Peace and National Reconciliation and its implementation, development. When you see the four-lane road, that's the development. It is that I wish everywhere in Mali. This is NOT the power for the power that interests me.

I was Counselor to the President, Ambassador, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prime Minister, Speaker of the National Assembly and now Head of State, I do not run after the power, but after the project and my mission for the country.

There are people of the country who say that 5 years with the President IBK, it is a little time lost, it does not go fast enough, not enough work, training, …

Let them remember how Mali was when IBK arrived, remember from this, let them remember that the country was on the ground, that they remember that there is today a State, a respected State, that this State in the WAEMU countries is the third. [19659004] But the North is not secure, the Center ….

Today, we are in Kidal, Les Malian Armies are in Kidal shoulder to shoulder with the former Armed Groups. There is no more belligerence in Mali. This is a progress that must be noted. I see that if there is a Head of State who does not have to shave the walls, who does not have to be ashamed, it is President Ibrahim Boubacar Kéïta. And my people know it and recognize it, it's the essential for me.

Apart from the trick you can do, it does not bother me at all. The essential is my task, my duty, my ambition for Mali and I pursue them.

Youth, I put it in power in Mali, my two Prime Ministers were young, it's is known in the history of Mali. I am forced to manage the youth of Mali, I am fighting for it to be qualified, so that it is not left behind for the rendezvous of the Universal that it is not not pitiful. But in dignity, head up like the youth of the world. That's why I gave 13000 tablet computers to young Malians to qualify.

The prizes starters, we have here in Mali too. Their creative genius must develop and flourish. This Mali is that of my dream.

Collected by Cyril ADOHOUN

Source: The Observatory

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