If you have an iPhone? You are probably rich


Own an iPhone or an iPad? In this case, there is a good chance you belong to the wealthy class. Before you boast to your office colleague or contact your banker to renegotiate your credit to the conso … know that this is only a simple study by economists Marianne Bertrand and Emir Kamenica of the university

These two researchers have tried to determine the social category of a person based on his consumption habits and especially his smartphone. One of the main elements highlighted is first of all " that no other brand is as predictive of high revenues as Apple and its iPhone ". To carry out this study, they relied on data from GfK, Mediamark Research & Intelligence. In total, 6384 people were interviewed in 2016.

The researchers found that in 69.1% of cases, a person who owns an iPhone belongs to the wealthy class " with a high income ", that is, in the quartile with the highest income highest in the study population. It is the consumer good that gives the best indicator of wealth. Same thing for owners of an iPad, there is a 66.9% probability that a homeowner has a high income. Note that there is talk of current consumption, which excludes luxury goods such as a sports car, or bags of large French leather goods.

Finally, the study also deals with Android smartphone users. The result is strangely similar since 59.5% of users surveyed have higher than average incomes. The same survey, conducted with recent data, could be more cleavable. Indeed, the average selling price of the iPhone has soared with the arrival of the iPhone X. It went from 694 dollars in Q1 2017 to 796 dollars in Q1 2018, an increase of nearly 100 dollars . What discourage some users … If you do not have a smartphone, you will also notice in the table below that the consumption of soy sauce Kikkoman is an indicator of wealth of 59% of cases …

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