In full direct, Khloe Kardashian insults Kourtney, and causes great indignation


In full direct, Khloe Kardashian insults Kourtney, and causes great indignation
It goes in all directions.

A gesture, a word she regrets, but the blow is already gone. Khloe Kardashian had an unfortunate word against his older sister, and the reactions were quick to burst.
To too much want to expose itself, it sometimes happens that one skids!
Khloe Kardashian had some harsh words with his sister during a live broadcast on the internet.

It all started from a banal phone story.
Kourtney Kardashian wanted to synchronize his smart phone his little sister's company. Kourtney Kardashian, experiencing some difficulty in completing the operation, provoked Khloe's fury, which was then packed.

But of course you can! You're really a retarded shit "won over True's mom.
Considered offensive, the word" backward "has no more to the fans of the family who let it know to Khloe

The messages on Twitter have multiplied, and Khloe Kardashian has backtracked, apologizing for his language.

"Ugh, I hate that word! Why did I even say that? You have a million times right and I absolutely do not like people using this word! I'll do better the next foixv! I'm sorry ! Kheloe Kardashian (19659005) For his part, Kourtney Kardashian did not seem to take offense at Khloe's insult and did not mention it.

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