In Tanzania, the president orders inmates to work "day and night"


On Saturday, Tanzanian President John Magufuli told the prison authorities that prisoners will have to work "day and night" and receive "kicks" if they are "lazy".

Prisoners will have to work "day and night" and receive "kicks" if they are "lazy". His recommendations are the orders … of the Tanzanian president, John Magufuli. The Tanzanian head of state gave the new instructions on Saturday as he inaugurated the new commissioner general of prisons, Faustine Martin Kasike.

"Kick them." It is a shame for the country to continue feeding the prisoners. All prisons have fields, prisoners must cultivate. Some prison staff do not have accommodation. Make the prisoners work, make bricks night and day, "he said.

Before continuing:" If they are lazy, kick them. You have a free labor force there too. "The Tanzanian president also made the link between the lack of activity of the prisoners and the drug consumption and the homosexuality.

To repress the freedom of expression The latter also asked the prison authorities to put an end to conjugal visits in prison. "A man is imprisoned, leaving his wife in the community and a prison guard one day receives this woman and authorizes the prisoner to do so. things he is not supposed to do during his detention. I do not want to hear about that anymore, "the president said

Since taking office in 2015, President Magufuli has been criticized by human rights organizations and civil society for his authoritarianism Critics accuse him of suppressing opposition and freedom of expression.

This style has fueled its popularity, but it seems to be fueling the president's haircut, according to a poll by the NGO Twaweza ("We can arriving in Swahili in early July, 55 percent of Tanzanians approve of John Magufuli, the lowest rate ever recorded for a president in this country, compared to 96 percent two years earlier.

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