Israeli Arab MP resigns after "nation-state of the Jewish people" law


An Israeli Arab MP announced Saturday his resignation in protest of the recent law defining Israel as "the nation-state of the Jewish people," according to which the "development of Jewish localities is in the national interest" and the Arabic is no longer an official language of the country.

Zouheir Bahloul, of the opposition Zionist Union party, said during a television show on the Israeli channel Reshet TV that he did not want to have to tell his grandson that he remained a member of parliament after last week's vote on this controversial law, passed with the support of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This legislation "formally withdraws the Arab population from the path of equality in Israel," he said in Hebrew. "Should I legitimize this racist, extremist and destructive parliament?" Zouheir Bahloul indicated that his resignation would take effect at the return of parliament in September.

A law described as "racist" by his critics. Several critics of the law, which falls into the category of basic laws that serve as a constitution in Israel, have already described it as "racist" and Israeli Arab MPs have torn copies within the Parliament after its adoption. Israeli Arabs are the descendants of Palestinians who remained on their lands when Israel was created in 1948. They represent 17.5% of the Israeli population, overwhelmingly Jewish, and claim to be victims of discrimination.

fears of the Israeli Druze community The Druze Israeli community (130,000 people living mainly in northern Israel) has also asked the Supreme Court to rule on this legislation, which makes them "second class citizens" according to Druze leaders. The Druze, who speak Arabic and profess a faith derived from a very heterodox Islam, perform their compulsory military service and serve in the Israeli army, unlike Israeli Arabs. On Friday, Benjamin Netanyahu met with spiritual leader Druze Sheikh Mouafak Tarif and retired General Amal Assad, Druze too. Discussions with this community will continue, assured the Prime Minister's Office.

Two Israeli ministers recently called for amendments to the law to take into account members of the Druze minority. The law also proclaims that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, including the eastern part of the city, annexed and occupied by the Jewish state. The international community has never recognized the annexation of East Jerusalem.

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