Israeli raid on the Homs base: Febrility against the reconquest of Deraa


 Israeli Raid on the Homs Base "title =" Israeli Raid on the Homs Base "/> </div>
<p> Syrian anti-aircraft defense has repelled an attack by Israeli planes against the Homs T4 base, according to Syrian official agency Sana: The attack did not cause casualties <br /> "The air defense systems repelled an Israeli aggression, intercepted several missiles and shot down a plane, forcing the other planes to leave the plane. Syrian airspace, "said the agency. </p>
<p> This is the first large-scale Israeli package against Syria whose army was able to make a rapid breakthrough on the Deraa front. On the Syrian offensive on June 19, Israel, which was counting on a "cordon of security" that the rebels would provide along the Golan border, soon realized that its calculations might fall like a house of cards. The quick reconquest by the Syrian army of the ground lost a few years ago is explained by the magnitude of the firepower engaged. But also by the US decision not to intervene in the fighting. </p>
<p> Our reminder, the T4 base, the largest in Syria, was not spared by Israeli raids. On 9 April, missiles had already been fired at the same base, killing up to 14 fighters, including seven Iranians. Iran, Syria and Russia had blamed Israel for the raid. On February 10, Israel announced a "far-reaching" attack in Syria, hitting 12 targets after intercepting a drone from Syria. He had openly said, for the first time, targeting Iranian targets. After firing Syrian anti-aircraft fire, an Israeli F-16 crashed in northern Israel. </p>
<p> Since the beginning of the 2011 conflict in Syria, Israel has regularly struck down military targets. the Syrian army but also Lebanese Hezbollah in that country, but without saying most of the time that he was at the origin of these attacks. Israel keeps repeating that it will not allow an Iranian military presence in Syria. <br /> On another level, it is worth pointing out that tens of thousands of displaced people returned home Sunday in southern Syrian Relative calm two days after announcement of rebel-regime agreement even if new deadly bombings were reported. </p>
<p> Rebels in Daraa province finally agreed Friday to surrender to the authorities of Damascus the territories that they controlled, after two weeks of shelling. </p>
<p> Negotiated by Moscow, the agreement imposes the disarmament of the rebels, the evacuation of those who wish it to sectors insurgent elsewhere in Syria and the return of the state institutions in the region. </p>
<p> Since Friday, the lull has encouraged "more than 60,000 displaced people to return home," told AFP the director of the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights (OSDH), Rami Abdel Rahmane. "There are only 150 to 200 people left" in the immediate vicinity of the border, the UN's humanitarian coordinator in Jordan, Anders Pedersen, told a news conference. In recent days, tens of thousands of displaced people have taken refuge in this area. </p>
<p> The loss of Deraa represents a setback for the rebellion, unable to resist the onslaught launched by the Syrian army and its allies. Moreover, the air raid resumed on Sunday morning its raids, against the rebel neighborhoods of the city of Deraa and the surrounding area, after shooting rebels near Umm al-Mayazin on a military convoy. The locality was eventually reconquered by government forces, the official Sana news agency said. Syrian forces have also resumed an airbase southwest of the city of Deraa. </p>
<p> Damascus is determined to restore its power over all Syria, ravaged since 2011 by a war that has left more than 350,000 dead, and fragmented. </p>
<p> Insurgents still control territory in the north, where they are protected by the Turkish neighbor. The north-east is controlled by Kurdish fighters backed by Washington, while the province of Idleb is dominated by jihadists from the former branch of al-Qaeda </p>
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