Ivory Coast: French soldier killed, another wounded in helicopter crash near Abidjan


ABIDJAN – A French Forces soldier in Côte d'Ivoire died and another was injured in the crash of their helicopter, not far from the Ivorian economic capital. The causes of the accident are not yet known.

A French soldier was killed and another seriously injured Tuesday in the crash of a military helicopter near Abidjan, according to a French military source to AFP

The Gazelle-type device crashed around 17 hours GMT in Modeste, a village located about ten kilometers east of the Ivorian economic capital, close to the coast, according to this source who spoke on condition of anonymity. The causes of the accident were not communicated.

The helicopter belongs to the French Forces in Ivory Coast (FFCI), which have a large base near Abidjan airport, according to this source. The FFCI have about 950 men, and constitute the main French base on the African Atlantic coast. It is particularly used in the context of Operation Barkhane, which fights jihadist groups in the Sahel.

On 14 October 2017, a transport plane chartered by the French army crashed into the sea near the Abidjan airport, killing four Moldovans and injuring four French and two Moldovans on board. 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