Ivory Coast: more than one million driving licenses issued in 4 years (DG)


"Just over one million driving licenses have been issued in four years by the Center de gestion interne (CGI)," Koné said in a press conference on Friday. 'a day open door, stating that' 50% are new driving licenses and the rest (the other half) for renewals and duplicatas'.

Continuing, he welcomed the results obtained in four years existence of the CGI as part of the Ivorian government's reform of the road transport sector.

Four years after the launch of its activities, Quipux Africa has improved, according to him, the set of procedures for the treatment of road transport operations by participating in the decentralization, by the interconnection of the actors, through a network of thirty agencies.

"Today, the administrative process is facilitated, the revenues of the State are secured with the use of banking payment tools and mobile money, the securities produced are secured through the interconnection of the various actors. It's a digital, digital business, "insisted the CEO of Quipux Africa.

What made the President of the Quipux Group, Hugo Zuluaga say that" the technology we have deployed in Ivory Coast is the best (…) ". In terms of projection, "it is to be able to innovate and propose concrete solutions to the problems facing the road transport sector," Koné added.

In addition, Ibrahima Koné explained the efforts made by the CGI to stem "fraud" by "dismantling the networks" of counterfeiters. In this regard, he announced that two agents of his structure involved in a fraud relating to a stolen vehicle and whose owner has complained, are currently imprisoned at the House of arrest and correction of Abidjan (MACA) for " forgery and the use of forgery "

Quipux Afrique is an Ivorian private law company with the financial participation of the State. She is specialized in the development of technological solutions applied to the transport systems.

Since May 2014, as part of a public service concession agreement, she is in charge of the design, the engineering, financing, setting up and operating an integrated management system for all road transport documents in Côte d'Ivoire

It has developed and applied an innovative solution using information and communication to all procedures for obtaining documents of the road transport, thus allowing a "real time management and a single database of all titles (driving license, registration, transport card and carrier card) ".


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