Ivory Coast: the subtle step of two Guillaume Soro


As a cunning politician, Guillaume Soro continues to play his little music, that of the one who is ready to talk to everyone, who can speak to all the personalities that make up the Ivorian political spectrum. And in this matter, it seems that he is one step ahead of everyone. A year ago, to everyone's surprise, he apologized to Ivorians and Gbagbo. Already, at that moment, at Point Africa, the idea of ​​the master stroke of a political animal had been smelt in this initiative, as is rarely done in the Ébrié lagoon. Indeed, beyond the many mysteries surrounding man and his ability not to lose foot in an environment where political ambitions are legion, Guillaume Soro appears as the specialist of good orbits. And it is not the timing of his interview with Radio France Internationale (RFI) and France 24 as well as the messages he has delivered that will refute this claim.

A step towards the presidential election, but … [19659003] To the most important question asked of him about the 2020 presidential election, the current president of the National Assembly of Côte d'Ivoire replied that he was going to "think about it". And to add immediately: "But I do not imagine to engage this reflection without talking about it first and mainly with the president Alassane Ouattara and then with Henri Konan Bédié. The art of not being cut off from the old while affirming its ambitions. It must be said that Guillaume Soro has long been ready for presidential ambitions. He had never confirmed them until now and his pre-decision consultation process protects him from any strategy.

Answering the call of President Ouattara?

Ex-leader of the rebellion who controlled the northern half of Côte d'Ivoire during the decade of political-military crisis of the 2000s, former prime minister, Guillaume Soro is a vice-president of the Rassemblement des Republicains (RDR), the formation of President Ouattara. The 76-year-old, who spoke last week about his succession in a speech for the creation of the new "unified party" of the Rally of Houphouetists for Democracy and Peace (RHDP). He also invited Henri Konan Bédié, the octogenarian president of the Democratic Party of Côte d'Ivoire (PDCI), until now his ally, to "transfer power to a new generation."

No new party, no candidacy at the head of any party

In the interview, Mr. Soro reaffirms maintain an "excellent relationship" with President Ouattara, "relationship that withstands bad weather sometimes excessive entourages", while the two men are reputedly cold. That said, Guillaume Soro was not present at the constitutive general assembly of the RHDP last week, officially because of mission in Canada, a mission that it was not possible to postpone. In a cryptic way, he said he was in favor of the RHDP, but without breaking with the PDCI. A kind of tropical version of "at the same time" emerged as one of the most prominent elements of French President Emmanuel Macron's approach. Continuing his reasoning, Guillaume Soro said not to consider creating a new party to run for president, let alone run for the RHDP or PDCI. "I do not want to get my hands on anyone," he said, before saying "this is not the order of the day."

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