Jean-Pierre Bemba invested presidential candidate of December 23 by his party –


Former Congolese Vice-President Jean-Pierre Bemba, acquitted last month by the ICC, was unsurprisingly named on Friday by his party running for the presidential election on Dec. 23, which is expected to elect Joseph Kabila's successor. Democratic Republic of Congo, AFP found.

"We have unanimously decided to renew Senator Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo as the national president of the Mouvement de liberation du Congo (MLC) for a five-year term and to invest him as our candidate for the Presidential election for the election of December 23, 2018, "said Jean-Jacques Mamba, rapporteur of the party congress, under acclamations of participants.

Bemba, plebiscite

Aged 56, the opponent Bemba was acclaimed, in his absence, by the members of the MLC at the end of the congress of this party held in Kinshasa.

"Thank you for the trust you make me, we will find ourselves soon at home In Kinshasa, DRC, reacted by Mr. Bemba in a telephone link

>>> Read – DR Congo: where were the caciques of the MLC?

Rich businessman Congolese became warlord then vice-presid Mr Bemba had been sentenced at first instance in 2016 to 18 years in prison by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the murders, rapes and looting committed in the Central African Republic by his militia between October 2002 and March 2003.

But on June 8, an appeal jury ordered his release, the acquittant, to the general surprise

M. Bemba lives for the moment in Belgium, on bail, after ten years of detention, pending a final decision on his sentence in another case of witness tampering.

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