Jennifer Garner: At war with Ben Affleck's wife …


Three years after their separation, Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck remain as close as ever for the happiness and balance of their three children, Violet (12), Seraphina (9) and Samuel (6). In Los Angeles, the two ex-daughters are also regularly seen together with their offspring between two football practices or on family outings.

If the 46-year-old actress has not resumed her life since broke with him, Batman's interpreter has for a year and a half shared the life of another woman who was once his mistress, Lindsay Shookus. Known in Hollywood for being one of the main producers of the show Saturday Night Live the pretty blonde of 38 years is often photographed on the arm of her companion she does not seem to leave a footing.

The ex-mistress banished from the family circle

But even if things are very serious between Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus, no question for the latter to attend the children of his darling. According to Us Weekly Jennifer Garner categorically denies that her rival is close to her daughters and son, and that " for several reasons ". " Jen does not want children to go to Lindsay or to be in their lives ," it was revealed. The main reason being that the actress is " not comfortable " with the fact that Lindsay Shookus " has had an extramarital relationship with Ben ". The duo supposedly began to attend at the beginning of 2014, a year and a half before the two stars announce their separation. Faced with the decision of his former companion, the actor of 45 years would not flinch. " Ben understands his position and respects his will ", added

Lindsay Shookus is herself a mother of a little Madeline born in 2013 with her ex-husband writer Kevin Miller. Man she left overnight to live her romance with Ben Affleck

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