Kanye West's father would have cancer


Bad news for rapper and husband of Kim Kardashian …

According to several sources, Kanye West's father is said to have cancer. TMZ just revealed that Ray West would actually be treated for prostate cancer in a Los Angeles hospital. According to the site, he would respond well to treatment and even if his son has not reacted publicly, he would have abandoned everything to be with his father in this difficult period.

The news almost falls 11 years after the death of the artist's mother, Donda, in November 2007, shortly after a series of cosmetic surgery operations. For his part, Kanye West apparently also has his own problems to solve. In a post on Twitter last Friday, the rapper revealed that he felt close to stylist Alexander McQueen, who committed suicide in 2010 at the age of 40.

" I just saw the documentary about Alexander McQueen and I was connected with his journey. I know how it feels to feel like taking control of your life, even if it means ending your life. For that to be clear and not weird, yes, I too have had this kind of thoughts and I will reveal to you what I did to stay happy. How not to commit suicide, part 1: avoid being surrounded by people who make you want to commit suicide "he explained.

He has since given no further advice.

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