Kate Moss: 49-year-old daughter of model friend Annabelle Neilson dies


Annabelle Neilson began her modeling career in the 1990s alongside Kate Moss. If the latter has become one of the most coveted supermodel in the world, Annabelle Neilson has not experienced the same success.

The former model was found dead at her home in London on July 12th following a heart attack. "My parents and I are devastated," said her sister in a statement.

When she was 22, Annabelle Neilson became one of the best friends and the muse of designer Alexander McQueen. She is also the last person to have seen him alive before his suicide in 2010.

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<p><i> Kate Moss, Anabelle Neilson and Naomi Campbell at the "Fashion for relief Haiti" fashion show in London on February 18, 2010./Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images </i></p>
<p> Member of the British aristocracy and jet-setter, Annabelle Neilson participated in two seasons of "Ladies of London "between 2014 and 2015, a British reality show about the lives of six Londoners She also wrote a children's book on dyslexia, a disorder she and Alexander McQueen suffered from, reports Vanity Fair. </p>
<p> Tuesday, Kate Moss paid homage to Instagram by posting a photo of them, captioned with a broken heart. </p>
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A publication shared by Kate Moss Agency (@katemossagency) on

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<p><i> /Instagram.com/poppydelevingne </i></div>
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