Kim Kardashian still traumatized by her robbery, she does not joke about her safety


Kim Kardashian has strengthened her security since the robbery she suffered in Paris. She said more about the arrangements made after her incident.

On the night of October 2 to 3, 2016, Kim Kardashian was the target of robbers while she was in Paris. The five criminals managed to escape with about 10 million dollars worth of jewels taken from the apartment-hotel located in the Madeleine district where Kanye West's wife was staying.

Ligotée by masked and armed men, Kim Kardashian came out traumatized by this experience. It has changed the way the mother ensures her safety.

Kim Kardashian: "I need someone at every corner of my property"

Whether in Los Angeles or at the stranger, Kim Kardashian no longer jokes about his safety

I travel with several bodyguards and my nanny. At home, I have several security teams. I need someone at every corner of my property.

The young woman declared that she could not sleep since what happened in Paris if she did not feel protected

I live in a secure subdivision and they stand at the entrance of my portal. Someone visited me yesterday, a friend, and he said, "Do you still have security teams at your door? Because it was not the case before. And I said yes, it was 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. That's what I have to do to feel safe and sleep at night. And I think it happened after what happened in Paris.

A new look at material goods

Kim Kardashian says she no longer has the same vision especially with regard to the possessions she may possess.

I had interviews with my jewelry, so they knew they were real and I was so open to talking about it. When we get engaged, we want to post a picture of her ring. […] I do not like gifts anymore. I do not want that stuff anymore. I do not buy a lot of things. I used to buy something for every birthday, telling me that I work hard and can afford things like a car or a pair of earrings. […] But I got rid of my cars. It used to matter to me. I loved luxury cars. I still love them, but not like before. I do not need to have a flashy car. It does not matter anymore.

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