Kim Kardashian still traumatized by his robbery: his (big) provisions


Almost two years after the fact, Kim Kardashian is not yet quite recovered from his Parisian robbery. In a long column published on July 5, 2018 for the magazine Wealthsimple the reality TV star had a lot to say about her success, her family life, but also about the trauma suffered after her aggression in the night from 2nd to 3rd of October 2016 in Paris. As a reminder, the wife of Kanye West was in an apartment-hotel located in the district of the Madeleine when several robbers managed to break into her home, robbing her of about 10 million dollars worth of jewelry. Three months later, the French police had indicted ten people. A new suspect was also arrested last April.

After his robbery, Kim Kardashian (who set foot for the first time in our capital since the incident on June 21 last) admits to have set up a device considerable security. To be well surrounded is the only way for her not to feel anxious, whether she is in Los Angeles or abroad. " I travel with several bodyguards and my nanny, at home I have several security teams, I need someone at every corner of my property ", she writes

That's what I have to do so I can sleep at night

And we know she does not live in a modest studio. " I live in a secure subdivision and they stand at the entrance of my gate, someone visited me yesterday, a friend, and he said to me, 'Have you always security teams at your door? Because that was not the case before. ' And I said yes, it was 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, that's what I have to do to feel safe and sleep at night, and I think that's arrived after what happened in Paris ", she added.

Since the incident that has changed her life, the mother of North (5 years), Saint (2 years) and Chicago (6 months) no longer has the same relationship to social networks and bling-bling accessories. " I did interviews with my jewels, so they knew they were real and I was so open to talking about them, and when we get engaged, we want to post a picture of her ring. (…) I do not like gifts anymore, I do not want that kind of thing anymore, I do not buy a lot of stuff, I used to buy something for every birthday by telling me that I work hard and that I can afford things, like a car or a pair of earrings … (…) But I got rid of my cars, it used to matter to me. I loved them, but not like before, I do not need to have a flashy car, it does not matter "she said.

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