Koffi Olomide banned from entering Zambia!


Kinshasa – Koffi Olomide should, in principle, open her journey by Lusaka where she is eagerly awaited for two select productions. But, at the latest news Zambia refuses the entry on his soil to the Congolese singer, on instruction of France.

After his last successful evening, as part of the celebration of his 62 years of age in Kinshasa, the Rambo of Congolese music, Koffi Olomide , which has been honored by the presence of Fally IPupa, is preparing for a small musical tour in Southern Africa.

The star of the romantic rumba should, in principle, open its journey by Lusaka where it is eagerly awaited for two select productions.

But, the latest news to our possession indicate that Zambia refuses the entry on its soil to the Congolese singer, on the instruction of France.

Where, these two concerts planned for the weekend next have canceled in the Zambian capital.

According to our sleuthing, the Zambian authorities have decided to close their doors at Koffi Olomide because of the criminal allegations against him in that southern African country and in France.

He is accused especially of aggression on a photojournalist in Zambia during a previous musical tour. Before his canceled visit, the Congolese star described Zambia as his "second home" and said he would like to perform in that country before "dying."

Mokao Mokao had even acknowledged his fault and presented his excuses that were also broadcast by Zambian radio, report concordant sources. Admittedly, the artist does not specifically address the allegations against him, but says he loves Zambian women.

Whatsoever, the Zambian government had warned that Koffi Olomide would be arrested if he ever put his feet in this country. The 62-year-old singer is also accused of sexually assaulting his dancers, sequestering them and having them work without a license in France.

Last weekend, the French embassy in Zambia also called the arrest of the star of the Congolese rumba.

The French ambassador to Zambia, Sylvain Berger, threatened to implicate Interpol to arrest Olomide which, according to him, has not yet been laundered charges laid against him in France

The boss of the Quartier Latin group is no stranger to this type of setbacks and controversies. In 2016, one recalls, he was filmed kicking his dancer on his arrival in Kenya. He was quickly expelled from the country.

For his part, the artist refuses any comment about this Zambian soap opera, which moves the canvas.

Jordache Diala / The Prosperity


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