La Fouine: New album, clips, cinema, series … He reveals his projects for the end of the year 2018


Fouiny babe! In recent times, when talking to you about La Fouine, Booba (who has just unveiled the MQTB video with Dosseh) was mainly for the spades. For his part, the rapper of 78 remained impassive, remaining calm in the face of B2O attacks. Is he preparing his revenge for later? In any case, he looks rather focused on the end of 2018, which promises to be busy for him. The proof right now on melty.

"The inspiration of Los Angeles to finish the writing and the recording, of my next disc …" declares the rapper coming from Trappes, before detailing the program to come for the next few months. "Studio – clip – filming long run night walk A very fast team! And do not forget to start on TF1 big series # unsuspected. A busy year for fouiny babe" he concluded. In short, you will understand, at the end of the year 2018, we risk hearing much about La Fouine, who recently paid a poignant tribute to his mother who died.

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