Lena Dunham publishes a before-after with a message about self-acceptance


To have a body called "perfect", entering the criteria imposed by the dictates of beauty is a permanent goal for many women, and men. Yet this desperate quest sometimes leads to dangerous excesses: dysmorphism, eating disorders and mental disorders.

Lena Dunham's Body Posi Message

Lena Dunham is known for her frankness. The creator of the Girls series is used to talking about herself, her body, and the vision she has of it. On Tuesday, July 10, she posted a photo montage on her Instagram account. The legend accompanying this picture is crystal clear.

"Left: 62 kg, compliments all day long by men, magazine covers about miracle diets, but also, sick in my flesh and in my head, surviving with tiny doses of sugar, tons of coffee, and loads of medicine Right: 73.5 kg, happy, happy and free, complimented by people who matter to me and for the right reasons, surviving with healthy snacks drink, and sometimes entrances, strong to force my dog, and raise the spirits Even me who is a warrior of the body posi, I sometimes look at the picture on the left with nostalgia, and then I remember the pain terrible, which led me to this body, by typing this message, I feel the bulges in my back, and I saw it very well. "

Lena Dunham, a complicated report to his body

actress, director and author experienced strong variations in weight [194] 59004] in recent years. Lena Dunham suffers from endometriosis and has had to adjust her diet to calm her symptoms. So she lost a lot of weight, whereas this "normal" and fleshy body was precisely her nature and her trademark in the Girls series. Reason for which she was strongly criticized, accused of being influenced by the dictates of beauty.

She finally made the difficult decision to be remove the uterus . This painful choice allowed him to return to a normal life. She finally regained weight by starting to eat richer. And as she says, she found herself, and regained her taste for life.

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