Lindsay Lohan threatens to fire one of her employees … because of her shoes


PEOPLE – Lindsay Lohan is a more than demanding boss. The actress and singer owns several properties in her name in Greece, including the Lohan Beach House on the island of Rhodes. On Saturday, July 21st, this private club posted a photo of two staff members on Instagram. A post that challenged the actress "Lolita in spite of me."

On the cliché, the young women wear ivory tunics. But, they had the misfortune to associate their uniform with a different pair of heels. Lindsay Lohan immediately shared her dissatisfaction in the comments of the publication. "Wear the same shoes, please, or you're fired," she wrote.

When one of his subscribers sent him a "tell me it's not a joke, I need it to be the reality", the businesswoman replied that she was "totally serious" .




Some Internet users congratulated his leadership. One of them explained that the actress of "Sick Note" was right to emphasize this sartorial choice: "the two pairs of shoes do not compliment the uniform, the least thing is therefore that they grant each other ".

Others used irony and sarcasm to denounce the 32-year-old actress's comment. They asked: "waitresses are 'dressed' like escorts and what are the shoes that worry you?" or "Lindsay Lohan, you pay for heels and outfits?".







Lindsay Lohan's reaction comes after the announcement of a new reality TV project in collaboration with MTV and production house Bunim / Murray – behind "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" – by Page Six. This series will take place in Greece at Lohan Beach House in Mykonos. Filming will begin in August, according to the US tabloid.

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See also:

• Lindsay Lohan will draw an island in Dubai

] • Lindsay Lohan launches a demonic TV game around social networks

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