LIVE. The Macron dircab assumes the penalty imposed on Benalla


Six days after the start of the Benalla affair, c 'is a new day under high tension that awaits the executive on Tuesday. After hearing the Minister of the Interior Gerard Collomb, the Prefect of Police Michel Delpuech, and Alain Gibelin, the Director of Public Order of the Police Prefecture of Paris, the Commission of the investigation of the Assembly must hear the day the director of cabinet of the Elysee, Patrick Strzoda and his counterpart of the Interior, Stéphane Fratacci.

Edouard Philippe and his ministers were subjected to the fire of the questions of the deputies and senators, during the session of the questions to the government in the Assembly.

Benalla case: new day under high tension for the Elysee and the government

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18h30 – Benalla did not fly the reorganization mission of the security services of the Elysée, ensures Strzoda

A reorganization of the security services of the presidency of the Republic was- she planned? Reply Patrick Strzoda: "I confirm that there is a reflection under way to bring the two services that provide security for the Head of State […] A project that is part of a more general reorganization of the services of the Elysée. "

Patrick Strzoda denies that this mission of reflection was entrusted to Alexandre Benalla. It is Eric Bio-Farina, military commander of the Elysee, who piloted the reform ensures it.

18h20 – "I did not speak with the head of the State" of the sanction imposed on Benalla

"I took this sanction [suspension de deux semaines] in my soul and conscience it's my decision it's my responsibility, I assume it, "says Strzoda.

"I did not talk about it with the head of state and I was not commented on the decision I made."

] 18:15 – The explanations of Patrick Strzoda on the presence of Benalla during recent displacements of Macron

Alexandre Benalla was present during the moving of the couple Macron to Giverny, in the Eure, July 13th. Why?

Strzoda: "It was not an official trip of the president but a private trip."

His presence during the Panthéonisation of Simone Veil ?

"This was a demonstration under the total control of the Elysée.Mission of Mr. Benalla was to ensure the proper coordination between the arrival of the procession of the President of the Republic and the procession of coffin Simone Veil and my husband, and the placement of personalities "" management of the host program personalities of July 14 "was still a mission of Mr. Benalla.

What was Alexandre Benalla doing about the return of the Blues?

"The context was the following: this reception at the Elysee Palace was decided urgently and the FFF had set a very precise framework for us The players had to leave the Elysée at 8 pm In 1998, the descent of the Champs-Elysées had lasted 4 hours We made the commitment to respect the time constraint so I needed to be sure that the Blues would be on time.I needed a permanent contact hour to tell me if the schedule would be held. "

18h – Alexandre Benalla" was very appreciated "at the Elysee

"Mr. Benalla was very popular in the house because he is extremely responsive, available and efficient," explains Patrick Strzoda.

17h55 – Benalla "had neither privileges nor advantages"

"The means that were made available to Mr. Benalla to carry out his missions are not advantages, "says Patrick Strzoda

" […] It was the missions of Mr. Benalla that justified these means of operation, it was neither privileges nor advantages. "

17h50 – Alexandre Benalla "was not at the Elysee from May 3 to May 22"

The director of cabinet of the Elysee is formal: "Mr. Benalla n ' was not at the Elysee from May 3 to May 22 ", the duration of the suspension of the former bodyguard Emmanuel Macron.

17h40 – "Not enough elements to use article 40"

Why Emmanuel Macron's directive did not use article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, according to which he should have reported to the courts the acts committed by Alexander Benalla?

"At my level, I did not have enough elements to resort to Article 40 ", replies the senior official to the deputies.

"This inquiry did not give rise to complaint or ITT," recalls Patrick Strzoda, to justify the level of punishment.

17h30 – "An immediate sanction" for Benalla

"The measure of suspension [de deux semaines] with regard to Alexander Benalla is indeed a sanction", continues Patrick Strzoda, with "a demotion and a warning letter"

"It was an immediate sanction to mark the blow."

Patrick Strzoda insists on the heaviness of the sanction taken: "This sanction which l 'dismissed from service was doubled with another penalty: a demotion.' He explains: "He was deprived of an extremely important field of activity in which he excelled, which put him out of a very rewarding activity.The organization of the President's travels is a very important task. wanted. "

17h20- Benalla paid 10,000 euros to the Elysee? "It's wrong!" Says Patrick Strzoda

The tone rises between the deputies and Patrick Strzoda. Emmanuel Macron's cabinet director has denied several reports published in the press in recent days:

"I heard that Alexandre Benalla was paid 10,000 euros a month, that's wrong! that he had to settle in a duplex of 200 m2, it's false! I heard that he would be appointed to a post of sub-prefect, I formally deny! "

Patrick Strzoda does not wish however to reveal the salary of Alexandre Benalla at the Elysee. Tolled in the ranks of deputies of the commission who claim "transparency".

17h10 – How Alexandre Benalla was recruited?

Interviewed by the committee's co-rapporteur, LR MP Guillaume Larrivé, Emmanuel Macron's direcab explains how Alexandre Benalla was recruited at the Elysée

Alexandre Benalla was "recruited because he was part of the campaign team of the successful candidate." In this team, he had functions of organizer that everyone recognized and greeted, which led me to assign it to the chieftaincy, so to the chief of the cabinet ".

17h05 – "Out of the question he [Benalla] participates in the maintenance of order"

The hearing of Patrick Strzoda continues:

"Mr. Benalla had me informed that he was invited by the police, as an observer, for the May Day demonstration. […] He told me that the invitation had been made to him by Mr. Simonin, Chief of Staff of DOPC. […] I inferred that the hierarchy of the police headquarters was aware of it. "

" I did not object to him participating as an observer and did not make it clear to him that it was out of the question that he participated in the maintenance of order. "

17h – A" faulty individual behavior "

For Patrick Strzoda, the Benalla affair boils down to individual guilty of a "chargé de mission", "immediately sanctioned".

16h50 – Patrick Strzoda became aware of the behavior of Benalla on May 2

The Elysée cabinet director, Patrick Strzoda, says he learned on the morning of May 2 "the inappropriate and shocking behavior" of Alexander Benalla.

"I learned on May 2 that during demonstrations [de la veille] a representative of the Elysee Palace would have had a shocking behavior. […] In view of this video, I immediately summoned the person concerned and asked him for explanations. "

Patrick Strzoda explains that he sanctioned Alexandre Benalla:" Mr. Benalla was dismissed from May 4 to 22. "

4:35 pm – Alain Gibelin rectifies his statements of Monday

Before the beginning of the hearing of the Chief of Staff of Emmanuel Macron, Patrick Strzoda, the president of the commission of the laws Yaël Braun-Pivet reads a mail of Alain Gibelin, director of the public order of the police prefecture of

In this one, the senior official claims to have been mistaken in his response to Marine Le Pen who questioned him about the presence of Alexandre Benalla at security meetings between May 2 and May 18.

4 pm – "I consider that the sanction was proportionate "

Edouard Philippe, answering a question from the chairman of the MoDem group, Marc Fesneau:

" I am convinced of the need for a strong requirement regarding individual behavior. When mistakes have been committed, they must be recognized and sanctioned. "
" Exemplary behavior is not infallible behavior. An exemplary Republic is not an infallible Republic. To be exemplary is to respect procedures, to take sanctions as soon as dysfunctions are known. "
" I consider that the sanction was proportionate, even though no complaint had been filed, even though had occurred in a context of immense violence. The procedures were immediately committed, that's exemplary. "

15h50 -" An exemplary Republic, it is not an infallible Republic " [19659007] Edouard Philippe:

"An exemplary Republic is not an infallible Republic. (…) An exemplary Republic is when behavior is deemed unacceptable, (…) to ensure that procedures can be conducted in a transparent manner. And that's what was done. "

15:30 – The members of the presidential cabinet before the commission of inquiry of the Assembly?

Valérie Rabault, president of the group Nouvelle Gauche, returns on the Benalla affair:

"You are the leader of a majority that wants to be exemplary. Would you agree that all the relevant members of President Macron's cabinet are accountable here, before the commission of inquiry of the National Assembly? "

Response of Edouard Philippe, who plays it very tactical:

"Nothing was masked and nothing was omitted in this case. (…) Regarding your request, it will be up to the commission of inquiry to choose the people it wants to interview in the time it has imposed. I have nothing to add on this subject. And if I did, you would probably reproach me to interfere in the work of the commission. "

3:20 pm – Edouard Philippe: "An individual drift (…) not a business of State "

The Benalla case is" an individual drift "and not" a matter of state ", says Edouard Philippe, while conceiving that" we can ask questions about the proportionality "of the sanction inflicted in May on the adviser to the Head of State.

"An individual drift on the part of this person in charge of mission does not make a State business", declares the Prime Minister in front of the National Assembly. "I understand that we may be able to ask questions about the possible oportality of the decision that was made "to lay off Alexander Benalla 15 days in May, but not on his" celerity ", he still responded to the patron of the deputies Republicans Christian Jacob.

1:30 pm – PS senators want the commission investigation hears Benalla

PS senators request that the commission of inquiry of the Senate audition Alexander Benalla on "the duties he held at the Elysee and his plan for the security services of the president, "said Tuesday morning Patrick Kanner.

" With PS senators we will ask that the commission of inquiry audition Alexander Benalla on the functions that he occupied the Elysee and his project for the security services of the president. #AffaireBenalla, tweeted the president of the socialist and republican group.

12:40 pm – The LR group in the Assembly will table a motion of censorship

The deputies LR will file a motion of censure, announces the president of the first opposition group in the Assembly, Christian Jacob.

"We are tabling a motion of censure, new We hope that the government explains, "or" the Prime Minister has responded to our request that he speaks (under Article 50-1 of the Constitution) by an end of non receivability, "says Christian Jacob at a press point

11:45 – For Rugy, a hearing of Macron by the deputies "would be meaningless"

François de Rugy excludes an interview with Emmanuel Macron by the commission of inquiry of the National Assembly on the Benalla case, considering that it "would make no sense", the president of the Republic being "not responsible to Parliament".

"That , it makes no sense, "reacted the speaker of the National Assembly on France 2, while several politicians, including Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Benoît Hamon, called for the president to be heard by the commission of inquiry of the Assembly on the Benalla Affair

"The President of the Republic is not responsible to Parliament, since he is elected by the French, he is answerable to the French. "

" I think that the President of the Republic will speak – he let it be heard by members of his entourage on Sunday night – but not in Parliament, it would make no sense, not before a parliamentary commission of inquiry, there would be a deviation of our institutions ", continued François de Rugy.

" It is necessary that everyone carries out his mission. […] Deputies are not investigating police officers and are not judges. "

11:30 am – Auditions and contradictions

As the hearings before the Ontario Human Rights Commission unfold investigation of the National Assembly, a number of contradictions indeed appear between the different versions of the personalities questioned .. Overview, in our article.

11h15 – Macron comes out of the silence, to tweet about the fires in Greece

Emmanuel Macron is out of the silence he has been observing for several days in the context of the Benalla affair by sending Tuesday a message of solidarity to Greece, a prey to deadly fires

"Our thoughts are with Greece and the victims of the terrible fires. In Sweden as in Greece, France and Europe are in solidarity and help, "he tweeted in French and Greek.

For several days, oppositions have been the head of state of s to express on the case of his collaborator Alexandre Benalla, that videos show striking and mistreat two demonstrators on May 1. The Elysee announced Friday to have initiated the procedure of dismissal of Alexander Benalla.

Usually very active, the Twitter account of the president was silent for four days and the publication Thursday a message about his meeting with postmen in the Dordogne.

11h10 – After his audition, Alain Gibelin returned on his statements, according to "Le Figaro"

Interviewed by Marine Le Pen on Monday night, the director of public order at the police headquarters explained that Alexander Benalla was present at meetings between his departments s and the Elysee between 4 and 19 May, during which time Emmanuel Macron's deputy chief of staff was supposed to be suspended. Words that weaken the Elysee version. [19659007] But Alain Gibelin would have since returned to his declaration. According to "Le Figaro", this high-ranking officer sent after his hearing a letter to the president of the Commission of the laws, Yaël Braun-Pivet, in which he claims to have misunderstood the question put to him. He evokes in particular a misunderstanding at the level of the dates evoked, between May 18 and July 18 … A version confirmed by Yael Braun-Pivet, who announced that it could be réauditionné.

11h – An infographic to understand everything


10:30 am – The three police officers indicted are summoned to the IGPN

According to "Le Parisien", the three executives of the police headquarters in Paris indicted in the Benalla case are convened on Tuesday and Wednesday by the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) in the context of the administrative investigation on possible breaches Disciplinary and Deontological to the Police Officer. The three individuals should then be summoned to a disciplinary council

 The Obs

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