MACA: "When Rambo (y) was sent, some detainees lost their appetite" (Roger Koussoubé)


Sergeant-General Roger Koussoubé (DR)

During his second day of trial on Wednesday, July 11, 2018, Staff Sergeant Roger Koussoubé, known as the "Touareg" known for his disturbing statements, stated that " when Rambo (Chief Warrant Officer Moussa Nébié) was sent to the Army Detention and Correctional Facility (Maca), some detainees lost their appetite ". His interventions even prompted later an observation of the prosecutor's office on the disclosure of information deemed sensitive in security, the "Tuareg" asked the military court to "protect" with his family.

The return of Rambo and the Toaureg embarrassing for some prisoners

"When Rambo was arrested and sent to Maca, some detainees lost their appetite. When I came, other defendants were no longer coming out of jail, "said Sgt. Roger Koussoubé, who allegedly alleged coup leaders told many false things about them in order to exculpate themselves. According to the Tuareg, other detainees "were angry" because they (he and Rambo) fled and returned. According to the Tuareg, these detainees did not think that he and Rambo were going to be arrested, and so, according to his words, they loaded them at the instructions hearing.

We remember that Rambo and the Touareg , who were persona non grata in Burkina Faso after the coup, fled to Abidjan before being returned after an international arrest warrant was issued against them.

Still at the helm, the Touareg spoke of a group of mercenaries in a neighborhood of Bobo-Dioulasso (the second capital) who was "returning weapons to Ouagadougou to hide with people who housed them." Without revealing the identities of these mercenaries and their accomplices because he is "scared", it is logical that he asked the military court "protection" for him and his family in light of his statements that incriminate noncommissioned officers and even civilians in the context of the September 2015 failed coup plot that has not yet reached its epilogue.

Although he claimed to "trust" the military court that judges him to he promised to say everything in the sense of the manifestation of the truth, the former presidential guard said to fear for his life. Moreover, to the question of why he did not say all this during the investigation, he hinted that he was "waiting for the right moment." The prosecution, which says it has "revelations with reserve," has promised that it will be protected and even pointed out that in due time, for reasons of national security "since we do not know who is in the room. during these periods of terrorist attacks, he will reserve the right to ask the court to hold the interrogation of Mr. Koussoubé behind closed doors.

The implication of the Touareg on the radio Savane FM

The it will be remembered that at the time of the putsch, a call from the president of the National Transitional Council (CNT) was looping on a frequency 108.8 which turned out to be the radio Savane FM. This radio nicknamed "radio resistance" at the time of the coup where Cherif Sy, then president of the CNT, called on people to thwart anti-democratic attempts by popular resistance, has seen the dismantling of its devices including its central unit that was taken away by members of the RSP, including Staff Sergeant Roger Koussoubé

"It was my curiosity that sent me to Savane FM when I heard in the walkie-talkie that the frequency was identified to the palace of culture Jean-Pierre Guingané, "said the Tuareg, who formally says he did not go there under the command of someone.

For him, he wanted to" know how a radio that 'has no right to broadcast on the air uses a frequency to transmit' and pass under the meshes of the control of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Posts (ARCEP).

Following accusations s according to which he would have ransacked the equipment of Savane, he retorted "negative" by stating that he "arrived on the scene around 19H when there was a team of the transmission which (y) was already positioned". This team, assisted by two Arcep agents, "detected a USB key plugged into the CPU" which distilled the sound.

At the insistence of the prosecutor who was convinced that Staff Sergeant Roger Koussoubé He returned to Savane Fm in "reinforcement", he stayed on my same position, to know wanting to satisfy his curiosity.

What the Touareg knows among others about the meeting between Macky Sall and the elements of the RSP

During the meeting with Senegalese President Macky Sall who came to talks and the elements of the RSP at the time of the events, to believe Roger Koussoubé, several decisions were made to bring the situation back to normal following the coup missed state. As a major decision during this meeting, the "dissolution" of the RSP that was to take place the day the authorities were arrested, would be the sole prerogative of the future president of Faso who was to be elected at the end of the Transition. President Michel Kafando was to be released and "remain" president throughout the Transition with General Gilbert Diendéré as his "Vice President". As for the former head of government, Yacouba Isaac Zida, a proposal had been made to find him a country of asylum, in addition to the departure of all government soldiers. There was the amnesty that was to be granted to the National Council of Democracy (CND), which perpetrated the putsch, which resulted in the death and several material damage and injuries.

By Bernard BOUGOUM

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