Mali: Presidential 2018: The dice are thrown


 Constitutional Court The nine wise men of the Constitutional Court delivered their final verdict on Wednesday, July 4th. For the presidential election of July 29, the Court has retained twenty-four applications out of thirty filed.

Six applications rejected – for non-payment of the deposit required by law or insufficient number sponsorship of national or local elected representatives, – twenty-four validated, out of a total of thirty files. This is the decision of the Constitutional Court. Among the 24 candidates, only one woman: Djénéba N'Diaye, a businesswoman

As a reminder, on June 30, the Court had proclaimed an initial list and recalculated thirteen applications, considered incomplete.

According to the law, they had 24 hours to file their appeal with the Institution. So after claims the ticket of seven of the thirteen failed candidates were validated for the presidential race on July 29th. They are the candidate of the MPR, Choguel Kokalla Maiga, Harouna Sankare, Cheick Mohamed Abdoulaye Souad said Modibo Diarra, Niankoro Yeah Samake, Mamadou Traore, Hamadoun Toure and Tall Mountaga.

The other candidates are: Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, the outgoing president, Aliou Boubacar Diallo, Housseini Amion Guindo, Mamadou Oumar Sidibe, Soumaïla Cissé, Dramane Dembélé, Moussa Sinko Coulibaly, Modibo Koné, Daba Diawara, Mamadou Diarra, Mohamed Ali Bathily, Modibo Sidibe, Modibo Kadjoké, Adama Kané, Kalfa Sanogo, Oumar Mariko, Mrs. Djeneba N'Diaye

Moussa Sekou Diaby
Source: Tjikan

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