Malian electoral file: the minister delivers his explanations to the politicians


Meeting Tuesday, July 24 in Bamako between the Malian Minister of Territorial Administration and the political class, including representatives of presidential candidates on Sunday. The objective was to reassure everyone about the reliability of the electoral file, decried by the coalition that supports the candidacy of the opponent Soumaïla Cissé. The representatives of this coalition did not attend the meeting.

The meeting was boycotted by representatives of the coalition supporting the presidential election, opposition leader Soumaïla Cissé. Reason relied on: " One asks only one thing, that the good electoral file is put on line, our experts will analyze it.

On the side of the Malian Ministry of Administration, the speech is different. To the politicians who came to the meeting, Mohamed Ag Erlaf, Minister of Territorial Administration, declared that there are not two files, but indeed one, a file " reliable . "

But yet supporters of the opposition leader speak about the online file of" duplicates "of nearly a thousand fictitious polling stations.

Faced with all these observations and accusations, the department replied that this is far from reality. Mohamed Ag Erlaf evokes technical manipulations. The head of the electoral roll, General Siaka Sangaré, also insists on the technical part. When we go into the database, things are clear, he says. But an application in the computer system would not be updated. For the moment, on this file, it is the deaf dialogue between the ministry and the coalition, a few days before the first round of voting.

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