"March for survival" in Conakry: here is the declaration of the social forces of Guinea – Guinea Morning


"The Social Forces of Guinea invite all citizens of Guinea, associations, groups, social indignities at all levels, carriers, motorcycle taxi drivers, workers in the private and public sectors , the serums, the grains and the informal sector to go out massively tomorrow Tuesday, July 10, 2018 from 8 am for a peaceful march of protest called "THE MARKET FOR SURVIVAL" throughout the national territory ".

On the morning of this Monday, July 9, 2018, the national dynamic, formed spontaneously and involving both committed citizens and structures organized a press conference to call for the general mobilization for a march scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, July 10, 2018. The objective is to require the Government to maintain the price of fuel at eight thousand Guinean francs.

Guineematin.com v We propose, below, the declaration of the social forces of Guinea:

The Social Forces of Guinea

  • Ladies and gentlemen the journalists of the national and international press
  • People of Guinea

The Social Forces of Guinea strongly committed to protecting the Guinean people continue to mobilize and to carry out protest actions since they have learned with indignation the unilateral and unjustified increase in the price of fuel by the Government.

The Social Forces of Guinea are made up of all Guinean citizens living here or elsewhere who lead individually or collectively the fight against bad governance and more specifically those who decided in recent days to fight for the price of fuel return to 8.000GNF.

This is a new national dynamic formed spontaneously q It includes both committed citizens and structures (NGOs, Associations, Platforms, Movements, Coalitions, Economic Operators, Press Syndicate, Artists, Bloggers, Women's Organizations, Sererees, Religious Leaders, Youth Organizations, etc.). of old and new dynamics of the Guinean civil society.

This one engaged in the urgency of actions of protest to oppose this unjust decision and to push the Government to reduce the price of the fuel to 8000 GNF . It is for this reason that calls for dead cities days were launched, and strongly followed during 3 days by the populations at the request of the Social Forces of Guinea.

As part of the continuity of these actions, the Social Forces of Guinea invite all citizens of Guinea, associations, groups, social indignities at all levels, carriers, motorcycle taxi drivers, workers in the private and public sectors, serums, grains and the informal sector to go out massively tomorrow Tuesday, July 10, 2018 from 08h for a peaceful protest march called "THE MARKET FOR SURVIVAL" throughout the national territory.

For the city of Conakry, the route chosen is as follows:

  • Departure: Tannerie roundabout, passing through Kenyan, Belle Vue.
  • Destination: Esplan the stadium of September 28 at Dixinn Terrace.

Furthermore, if the Government does not reconsider its decision by reducing the price of fuel to 8000GNF the Social Forces of Guinea inform the national opinion and that they reserve the right to use all legal means to continue protests until the social demand is taken into account by the Government.

Finally, the Social Forces of Guinea thank the whole Guinean citizens in all social categories for their unwavering support for the actions they take on their behalf and call on them to continue the protests in a unity of action and a civic spirit.

Together, United and Solidarity We Will Defeat !

On behalf of the Social Forces of Guinea

Comrade Algassimou Diallo

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