Mauritania: "Africa Tour 2018", the Senegalese diva Coumba Gawlo in Nouakchott for a good cause


#Mauritania : Great diva of Senegalese and African music, with a prestigious record, crowned by a golden disc, Coumba Gawlo Seck, is currently in Nouakchott as part of the tour "Africa Tour 2018" . Opportunity for her to deliver her messages aimed at improving the conditions of the woman.

Goodwill ambassador for several international organizations involved in the promotion of gender and childhood, the grande dame is conducting this tour as part of the implementation of the project "Empowerment of Women and Demographic Dividend in the Sahel" (SWEDD ). Financed by the World Bank (WB) for 280 million dollars, with the technical support of the World Fund for Population (UNFPA), it is common to six: Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Chad

Accompanied by Mauritanian artists, the goodwill ambassador took the opportunity to explain that poverty is not inevitable, a definitive status, engraved in marble

Illustrating with her school career, from a family with limited means, traveling every day the many kilometers between "Grand Yoff" -commune Dakar-Colobane / another area of ​​the Senegalese capital, which houses his school, to be among the first in the class

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In Nouakchott Coumba Seck served a vibrant plea for "an improvement in the living conditions of people in Mauritania and the Sahel, it requires a broad awareness and a strong mobilization of all. What will lead to a change of behavior synonymous with breaking with many taboos. End female genital mutilation (FGM), early marriages because of the greatest source of fistula in women, keep girls in school for all cycles of schooling, giving them maximum opportunities for Access to Higher Education

We must also bring governments to strict compliance with all international conventions on the promotion of the rights of women and children, which must be incorporated into national legislation ", explained ambassador of good will

READ ALSO: Video. Mauritania: the celebration of music celebrated in Nouakchott

The demographic dividend, recalls "one economic concept. It describes the transitional nature of the economic benefit of a country undergoing demographic transition during a period following the decline in birth rates. The country has a particular age pyramid with a maximum number of young adults, and relatively few children and the elderly. This results in an extremely productive population, able to provide maximum income-generating activities, with little transfer of wealth needed for children and the elderly-so much savings possible, favorable to a period of strong economic growth. "

A show with local artists is scheduled for Saturday night at the Sebkha stadium, a populous town in the southwestern suburbs of Nouakchott.

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