– News – Nigerians stranded in Russia: government intervention soon


Nigerians stranded in Russia: soon, the intervention of the government


17.07.2018, Moscow, Russia

http: // www.
Moscow, Russia-

Nigerian supporters

They will soon be repatriated to their country. This is the solution advocated by the Nigerian government to alleviate the sentences of its 200 citizens stuck in Russia for being scammed by buying Fan ID, a document that exempted visa supporters during the World Cup football. 19659009] The good news was given in a statement released on Monday, July 16th. And it will not be long. "President Muhammadu Buhari has ordered (…) to begin the repatriation process of Nigerians who traveled to Russia for the 2018 World Cup and found themselves stranded after the competition," Garba's paper said. Shehu, a spokesman for the Nigerian president

Some spent several days stranded at Moscow's Vnukovo airport while others did not hesitate to sit in front of their embassy in the Russian capital . These Nigerians had bought Fan ID at 250,000 nairas (600 euros) with the hope of being able to settle there and to work there, even to join a football team. However, Fan IDs do not allow you to work in Russia, nor to live there permanently.

Some claimed to have come only to attend the competition, but that the fake travel agencies that ripped them off canceled their return flight and pocketed the money of the ticket.

The NGO Alternativa, which fights against the traffic of human beings, estimates to about 200 the number of Nigerians who found themselves in difficulties in Moscow because of this scam

John Ndinga Ngoma
AFP / Africanews / MCN

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