Marc Roch Christian Kaboré, democratically elected in November 2015, was inaugurated as President of the Republic of Burkina Faso the following month. It takes stock of its mandate mid-term, after two and a half years of governance at the head of the country.
President Kaboré was able to impose a policy of rupture by developing a new project of society which aims to establish a Rule of law in Burkina Faso – through the reform of institutions and the construction of citizenship – and to carry out an economic and social transformation of the country.
Its presidential program was declined in the National Plan of Economic and Social Development (PNDES) which, adopted in 2016, is articulated around three priority axes: the reform of the State, the human capital and the valorization of the growth sectors of the economy. Among these three major projects, the Head of State has set priority objectives in all key sectors by putting in place emergency measures to boost growth, initiate socio-economic change and lay the foundations. of a new governance
The commitments of the Head of State were held with significant advances in all areas. In economic terms, Burkina Faso is doing better than two years ago. "We must congratulate ourselves that, despite a difficult context marked by insecurity and social discontent, Burkina Faso has an economic growth rate of 6.7%" President Kaboré said during his televised national interview on the occasion of the mid-term review
The vision articulated by the Burkinabè Head of State is that "only a structural transformation of the economy will make it possible to really fight against poverty in laying the foundation for sustainable and prosperous development for the whole nation ". It is therefore a question of opening up the country, modernizing agriculture and initiating an energy and digital revolution that will positively impact all economic and social projects. It is above all a question of placing human capital at the heart of development, in order to improve the living conditions of Burkinabè citizens and their capacity to produce.
Solar energy, dams, road and rail projects under way and the national backbone are structuring projects serving promising sectors such as agriculture and agricultural transformation, like Bagré's growth pole and the creation of 25,000 jobs.
Many achievements in the field of health , drinking water, sanitation, electrification and education have already met the Burkinabè President's development objectives with tangible results, not to mention actions for young people, women and the world rural. Thanks to free healthcare for women and children, 27 million free interventions were recorded, including 10 million cases of illness in children under 5 years. "We must work to make effective and promote the rights of women in all areas" declared the Head of State
The goal "Zero Water Chore", a Major commitment of the Head of State, is running and aims to facilitate access to drinking water to 100% of Burkinabe by 2020. Another strong measure of the Head of State is the recruitment of 16,000 young people in education in order to subscribe to the creation of jobs for youth while responding to the lack of human resources in the National Education.
The efforts made for the youth go through the structuring projects, the entrepreneurship and the offer of professional training in line with the job market and growth sectors, aiming to offer real future prospects for the new Burkinabè generation. "I invite the young people of Burkina to move towards the growth sectors and to look at the sectors of employment that are the fields of agriculture, breeding, handicrafts and information and communication technologies " has pleaded President Kaboré who invites the youth to engage fully in the development of the country.
The project designed by the Head of State there is more than two years is taking shape every day with innovative projects and concrete results on the ground. A project that intends to be built collectively in a spirit of solidarity and citizenship: "I appeal to the citizen responsibility of each and everyone for the consolidation of democracy and progress" reiterated the Burkinabe President. Efforts must continue, especially in the consolidation of the rule of law and democratic design desired by the people of Burkina Faso.
For the Head of State, state reform is the foundation on which rests its mandate ; Among the most important achievements is the finalization of the preliminary draft of the new Constitution, whose adoption by all Burkinabè is scheduled for 2019 by referendum. At the same time, many reform projects have been launched to improve political and economic governance, modernize the administration, clean up public spending, strengthen the independence of the judiciary and human rights.
On the security front and the fight against terrorism, the Head of State has shown his sense of action and resilience by strengthening the capabilities of the armed forces and conducting a series of reforms to improve the coordination of intelligence services. He made the Sahel a national priority, his activism with the international community has rallied many countries to financially support the G5 Sahel force and the PUS – Emergency Program for the Sahel.
The Chief of the Burkinabè state has a policy open to the world. In the past two years, his active diplomacy has led to the development of numerous international cooperation agreements, emphasizing the economic, social, environmental and democratic transitions that Burkina is experiencing. The Burkinabè President is strongly in favor of strengthening regional and pan-African cooperation, aware of the vital forces of the continent and the democratic drive to which Greater Africa must subscribe. This cooperation is more than desirable, it is essential.
In the last two years, Burkina Faso has participated in 19 meetings of regional and transregional institutions. "We need to ensure that integration is not just a theoretical debate and that our areas are truly unified in terms of infrastructure, economy, free movement and facilities. The Head of State is committed to promoting major projects of regional integration through the acceleration of trade and inter-regional projects of optical fiber, electrical interconnection and railway lines , with its neighbors in the Ivory Coast, Benin and Ghana, not to mention cooperation in the field of education, particularly with Senegal.
The President of Burkina Faso also distinguished himself by taking a stand for the adoption of a single currency for the ECOWAS zone by 2020 in order to consolidate interregional relations. The efforts of the Head of State on the diplomatic front also concern the diaspora in order to integrate the Burkinabe from outside to the current transformation of the country.
"The new page of our glorious history will be a collective work ": the Head of State reaffirmed that his project integrates all the living forces, all the components, and each of the particularities that make up the singularity of this great nation. At mid-term, the democratic transition and the economic and sustainable transformation of the country are more than ever in progress
REPORT: Major Achievements in the Mid-term of the Kaboré Presidency in Burkina Faso in the priority sectors for the economy and human capital
Economic performance: Growth and Employment
While the growth rate was 4% in 2015, it is 6.7% in 2017. Burkina Faso's economic performance is also validated by its growth rate in the WAEMU zone – third after Côte d'Ivoire and Senegal. Thus, despite a difficult security and social context, Burkina Faso has been able to return to growth, thanks to the consolidation of public finances, reforms initiated by the government to improve tax revenues and structural projects launched. under the PNDES
In addition, more than 183,000 salaried jobs were created in the formal sector during the two years of implementation of the PNDES, an increase of 41.3% between 2016 and 2017! 19659003] Infrastructures & Disenclavement
The main objective of major infrastructure projects is to open up the country and unleash its economic potential. 1,240 kilometers of rural tracks have already been developed, on the objective of 5,000 kilometers of track included in the presidential program.
Of the 15 road projects to which the Head of State is committed to achieve by the end of its mandate, a total of 2042 kilometers bitumen, more than 32% are in progress or start-up. Added to this is the rehabilitation of the railway line between Cote d'Ivoire and Burkina, and the new road project between Ghana and Burkina, which should be ready by 2020.
With solar, the energy revolution of the country is now launched. Energy production and supply were able to increase in 2017 thanks to the Zagtouli and Ziga solar photovoltaic power plants and the completion, on the Burkina Faso side, of the interconnection works between Bolgatanga in Ghana and Ouagadougou.
electrification of 40 rural localities and 385 socio-community infrastructures by photovoltaic solar systems, the electrical interconnection works between Ouagadougou and Ouahigouya, Kaya and Dori as well as Kongoussi and Djibo, the installation of LED lamps and solar lamps are as realizations which made it possible to increase the number of fully electrified localities to 1,347 as against 562 in 2015.
Digital & ICT
The all-digital has begun to be applied to administration and all key sectors of the economy. The Head of State wishes to raise Burkina Faso among the countries that have appropriated information technology to build prosperous economies. To this end, connectivity has improved significantly thanks to the completion of the optical fiber deployment work, including the G-CLOUD project, and the implementation of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT), which made it possible to realize the right to to information for all
Access to health and free care
Free care for women and children, helped to support more than 6 million interventions for women and 10 million cases of illness among children under 5 years of age. There are no less than 27 million free interventions.
This policy of free admission has thus made it possible to reduce the maternal and infant-juvenile infra-hospital mortality rate, to increase the rate of assisted delivery, to reduce case-fatality rate of young children with malaria or screening for breast and uterine cancers in women.
This policy of free health care will be continued with the operationalization of UHIP – Universal Health Insurance Scheme – which will gradually increase health coverage for all Burkinabe
Water & Sanitation
The goal "Zero water chore" , a major commitment of the Head of State, is under way and aims to facilitate access to 100% of Burkina Faso's drinking water by 2020. Progress has been recorded in 2017 with a tau x 66.2% access to drinking water in rural areas and 91.7% in urban areas
The government's efforts focused on the delivery and rehabilitation of a total of 22 dams, thousands of boreholes and other water reservoirs, measures that have achieved a surface water storage capacity of 6,135.35 million m3, more than the target set in 2017.
Higher Education
The resorption of schools under straw hut continues with 1,263 classrooms already built on the 4,353 expected in 2020. Overall, the school completion rate has also improved these last two years, from 24.24% in 2016 to 32.95% in 2017 in the post-primary and secondary. While one of the priorities of the Head of State is to fight against the drop-out of girls, the results are more than positive with a dropout rate that has decreased by 70% since the beginning of the mandate, representing a major step forward for women's equal opportunities in Burkina Faso!
As part of strengthening higher education, the government will continue to create new universities in regions with specializations in these areas, and launch the Virtual University to address the infrastructure deficit and offer personalized supervision and follow-up to a larger number of Burkinabè students.
Valorisation of agriculture and the rural world
The Head of State has made the rural world the priority of his mandate. Its agricultural policy works for the modernization of agriculture, the decline of food insecurity and the development of agricultural processing. In the face of decreases in agricultural production in the last two years due, among other things, to the vagaries of climate change, efforts have focused on strengthening arable land. The government has supported vulnerable rural stakeholders with the provision of 35,000 tons of fertilizer, 10,000 tons of seeds and 22,000 equipment to improve yields and facilitate working conditions. In this ambitious optic to modernize the agricultural sector, several strategic infrastructures will be realized such as the Central of purchase of the agricultural inputs and equipment (CAIMA), the unit of assembly of tractors and tillers, a unit of production of mineral fertilizers based on natural phosphate or the creation of the Agricultural Seed Production Company (SOPROS.A)
Actions for Women
Improving the Status of Women is a Major Commitment the Burkinabe head of state, which has been pursuing a proactive gender policy for two years, the aim of which is to create a society free of all forms of inequalities and inequities. Regarding the fight against violence, the national strategy for the promotion and protection of the girl and her action plan have been ratified. The convictions of perpetrators of female genital mutilation and violence against women show that strong measures have been put in place to enforce the law and repair the harm suffered by the victims.
The Head of State had made a commitment that 25 to 30% of the lands managed by the State would be granted to women, commitment more than respected. In terms of empowerment, women benefited from the opening of a budget line of FCFA 200 million from the Burkina Faso Fund for Economic and Social Development to finance women's entrepreneurship. In addition, the launch of the Youth Empowerment and Women's Empowerment Program (PEA / JF) has helped finance more than 13,000 micro-projects as well as 17 women's groups working in the agro-food processing sector. Recently, the President has also pledged to substantially raise the budget of the Ministry of Women and to provide FAARF with more means for financing credits.
Opportunities for Youth
To promote the employability of young people, the Head of State has emphasized technical and vocational training by supporting professional integration, with the installation of 46 agricultural processing units and the distribution of 2,964 kits for the benefit of young people. young people from vocational training centers. Entrepreneurship is also at the heart of its priorities, with the financing of 19,862 micro-enterprises and the setting up of the Burkina Startups Fund of FCFA 10 billion, the aim of which is to support 500 structuring SMEs and SMIs. innovative, with the aim of creating 10,000 direct jobs.
One of the Head of State's commitments has been to place greater emphasis on vocational training for young people so that their learning meets the needs of young people. national economy. Several actions to support this new positioning are underway, including the establishment of 45 technical and vocational training centers, as well as the construction of vocational high schools and science high schools throughout the country.
Cultural industries and enhancement of the national heritage
The Head of State is strongly committed to the enhancement of the national heritage and intends to give a place of choice to culture in the development of the country. Its actions to support and boost crafts, cultural, sports and tourism industries aim to reaffirm the national identity for a strong and plural culture. At the same time, it aims to create vocations for young people and jobs for women, developing and promoting local know-how and cultural wealth, which will make Burkina Faso shine in Africa and internationally for the pride of all citizens
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