Mila Kunis: the bottom of her violent break with Macaulay Culkin revealed


Before falling head over heels in love with Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis shared eight years of her life with Macaulay Culkin. An idyll that did not end very well to believe the words of the actress.

In life, everything smiles at Mila Kunis. Actress emeritus, the 34-year-old began her career in the hit series 'That' 70s Show in which she shone alongside Topher Grace or Danny Masterson. But the gaming partner who will have the most marked remains Ashton Kutcher. After years of professional and friendly relationship, the two actors finally fell in love in 2011. A beautiful story crowned by a discreet marriage and two beautiful children, Wyatt, a girl born in October 2014 and Dimitri, their little boy born on 30 November 2016.

Before falling in love, everyone lived his little life on his side. Ashton Kutcher remained married six years to Demi Moore, 15 years older than her. Mila Kunis, meanwhile, attended Macauley Culkin, hero of comedy Mom, I missed the plane . An eight-year story that ended " horribly " … because of the actress.

Guest of the American Armchair Expert podcast, Mila Kunis let herself be confided by mentioning her brutal break with Macaulay Culkin, whom she considers herself responsible for: " I screwed up. I was a connate to my twenties and I am the first to admit it admits she It took me some time to assume […] to accept and integrate it. I really did shit ". And to say that this separation has provoked a strong questioning: " When I found myself single, I told myself " I must find myself. I really need to understand why I did what I did and become a human again. " If it is far from being a Bad Mom not sure that Macaulay Culkin says as much about love …

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