Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth broke their engagement


According to the Australian and American press, Miley Cyrus and her companion Liam Hemsworth would have canceled their marriage for the second time.

New rebound. Two years after returning, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth again broke their engagement. According to the information reported by the magazine "OK! Australia "and taken by the" Daily Mail "and" The Mirror ", the two lovers, who have not been seen together since late June, would not have the same desires for years to come. At 25, the singer would not be ready to start a family, unlike his companion 3 years older, eager to become a father. "He wants children and does not want to wait any longer, but it's not really the project that Miley had in mind … His heart is broken. Miley kept pushing the wedding to the chagrin of Liam … They did not get along in recent months, "said a close source of the couple in the Australian magazine, adding that the young singer never really wanted to get married. "It's something everyone understands except Liam. His family begged him to open his eyes, but he believed in Miley. Now he feels foolish. "

See also: Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth: Two Lovers on the Red Carpet

No Confirmation for the Moment

According to the American and Australian Press, Miley Cyrus is would have taken refuge with her parents in Malibu after this umpteenth dispute. For his part, Liam Hemsworth is currently in Australia with his family. Met in 2009 on the film "The Last Song", Miley and Liam had already broken in 2013, after being engaged for a year. In 2016, the interpreter of "Wrecking Ball" confirmed being again engaged to the actor, his first love. She had nevertheless told the magazine "The Sun" the following year to not be quite ready to become a married woman. "I do not envision marriage. I am 24 years old, I hope to enjoy life a little more. I have too much to live on before getting married. " Contacted by the Australian version of the "Daily Mail", the two stars did not wish to speak on the subject. Their fans are now eagerly awaiting a news release or denial.

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